Thursday, January 24, 2013

Stephanie Rice dives headlong into the scumbag zone: Deadbeat "Dads."

The Daily Slime, aka the democratian, has a certain reputation resulting from what they write.... and how they write it.

The rag is not above lying, twisting, distorting and ignoring in the name of their agenda.  It takes a certain type of scum to have a default setting of "liar" in the modern day information biz: given the multiple ways there are to get information, why the rag would insist on printing lies or allowing lying scum to work there has always been a mystery to me.

You would have thought their near-death experience of a bankruptcy would have resulted in a reality check.  You would have thought that maybe.... just maybe.... what the PEOPLE want in terms of unslanted, unbiased truth might have had an impact.

The democratian's lack of credibility isn't a recent phenomena, it's own reporters acknowledged it some 16 years ago:
From: The Columbian
Date: July 28, 1997 Author: MIKE FEINSILBER

WASHINGTON -- Would you believe this? A lot of editors worry that you wouldn't -- that people are less willing these days to believe what they read in the newspapers. They fear that, for a variety of reasons, newspapers are suffering a crisis in credibility, losing the irreplaceable asset of believability. The press has a lot to worry about these days: stagnant circulation, too few young readers, the Internet's ...
And now, 16 years later, they continue to ignore the warning.  The latest example:
Deadbeat "Dads"
Maven Erik is out sick, so I'm filling in on my old county beat. And what did Commissioner Tom Mielke say when he saw me this morning?
"We didn't cut funding."
He was referring to our lead A1 story, "County cuts economic group's funding". That was the print headline, anyway. The online headline was longer: "County halts funding to economic development council."
Keep in mind that Mielke thinks it's splitting hairs to say voters rejected a sales tax increase to pay for light rail maintenance and operations.
That was the legal effect.  Moronic CRC cheerleaders like Rice insist there was no other meaning to that political massacre.  Every sentient being in the county knows better, her denials notwithstanding.
He thinks it's OK to just say light rail was rejected, even though community groups that support light rail didn't support the tax.
"Community groups" didn't support the tax because they knew they's look like.... well, Rice.... if they supported it in the face of overwhelming opposition to the entirety of this project.  Thus, they were driven by political expedience and surfing the opposition wave.... and not because they disagreed with it.

If they HAD disagreed with it, they'd be foaming at the mouth at every effort to fund this scam while demanding a vote.  And on that, the CRC cheerleaders are strangely silent.
Did you even read the letter you signed? I asked Mielke.
Stupid, condescending question, reeking with her typically slimy arrogance.  Does Stephanie even read the tripe she trowels out?
Yes, he said.
The recipient of the letter, Lisa Nisenfeld, president of the Columbia River Economic Development Council, certainly interpreted the letter to mean that funding was cut.
I hope it was.
Here's the first paragraph of the press release she issued Tuesday in response:
"In a letter delivered this morning, signed by Clark County Commissioners Tom Mielke and David Madore, the Columbia River Economic Development Council was notified that its funding from the county would be terminated immediately due to the organization's 'advocacy' for the Columbia River Crossing project."
Looks good to me.
I guess Mielke has a point - they didn't cut the money out of the county budget, because that would probably take a more formal action than whatever transpired during the Jan. 16 board time - they just decided they would not pay the CREDC any money unless the CREDC denounces the Columbia River Crossing.
That also works for me.  Great plan.
As Washougal Mayor Sean Guard noted in the comments section, another word for that is "extortion."
And another word for you is "asshole."
Let's see, what other words fit for a situation in which you agree to pay something, but then don't follow through. How about "deadbeat"? If this was the 1940s and '50s, when The Columbian would refer to county commissioners as "County Dads," well I think we would have had a different headline in today's newspaper.
It's like my terminology for Rice, who has lied directly about me in this very newspaper.

Rice has zero cred.  Zero.  It takes a genuine effort to be such a low-life in doing her owner's bidding, "journalism" be damned.

Were I either Madore or Mielke, I would never utter another word to this despicable cur or anyone else at this waste of wood pulp she works for.  Truth and democratian reporters/editors rarely inhabit or occupy the same space simultaneously.

This is no exception.

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