Saturday, January 05, 2013

Paging Rep. Vick: why weren't you at the Town Hall meeting today?

Sen. Rivers was there.

Rep-Elect Pike was there.

Where the hell were you?  NO ONE was representing you.  Don't tell me you don't care because I've got to tell you, I'm watching you.  What could you have been doing that was more important than meeting with your constiuents in an open forum right bhefore session starts?

Are you already living up to the low set of expectations I had for you?
In the past, party chairmanships have been a launching pad for political careers.

It's also been a wrecking yard for some.

When added to the fact that Brandon is about to become a brand new father for the first time... and to campaign, by definition, will take every waking moment... as will the next legislative session, as far as that goes... one wonders:  Why would he leave his wife and baby home alone?  How can he discharge his family responsibilities and obligations sitting in interminable meetings in Olympia with his family... his wife... his newborn baby... home... alone.... day after day.... night after night?

This is a tough situation for Brandon... very tough.  He wants to be a politician and a legislator so bad that he'll do almost anything to achieve it.

Except in this case, the cost is just too high... he loves his wife and baby too much... and his vision is clouded by those with an ulterior motive who don't care what the cost is to Brandon personally.

I care.

There will be other opportunities... other elections.

But likely not for Brandon if he screws this up.

And I cannot support someone who would

Don't screw this up again.  If you do, I'm coming after you myself .

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Buehler ?...........


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