Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Oregon's got CRC scumbags as well: Stacey -Toll I-205 for Columbia River Crossing

Willamette Week, of course, does a far better job of providing journalism on this subject than the local democratian, by any measure.  They've scored big here by distributing the manifesto of the local version of Hugo Chavez, a fringe left nutbag of an in coming Metro Councilor by the name of Bob Stacey.

The local rag would no more print this guy's idiocy than they'd ever cop to the truth behind the CRC scam and print the Oregon Supreme Court's Decision that laid out the truth on this scam: that the entirety of this rip off is a loot rail project.

But this moron?

December 27th, 2012 By ANDREA DAMEWOOD | News | Posted In: PDX News, Transportation, PDX Votes, Politics, Legislature

Stacey: Toll I-205 for Columbia River Crossing

lede_3825(stacey)BOB STACEY
Washington is setting up its southern neighbors to hold the funding bag when money for the Columbia River Crossing falls short, incoming Metro Councilor Bob Stacey says.
In a four-page memo to his soon-to-be fellow council members obtained by WW, Stacey blasts funding plans for the controversial $3.5 billion megaproject to replace Interstate 5's bridges, add light rail to Vancouver and expand freeways north and south of the Columbia River.
The well-known land-use activist and former director of 1000 Friends of Oregon has long been a critic of the CRC. But he says that beyond the massive scale and likely impacts to neighborhoods, Oregon taxpayers shouldn't be exposed to avoidable financial risk.
Stacey outlines several places where the Metro council should lobby the Oregon Legislature as it mulls CRC funding in early 2013.
Among them:
  • Toll Interstate 205: "If Oregon consents to Washington's plan to toll only 1-5, the result will not only be a big hole in the CRC project budget, but major traffic and livability impacts on the 1-205 and 1-84 corridors on this side of the river," Stacey writes. "Oregon should make its financial contribution to the CRC contingent on Washington agreeing to toll both crossings of the Columbia River."
  • Fight restrictions the Washington Legislature imposed when it approved tolling I-5 in 2012. The additions to the tolling bill in Washington include a project cost cap of $3.41 billion; no tolls until federal and state funds are committed to construct the bridge and its landings; and a sunset of the legislation at the end of 2015 if federal funding is not secured or other conditions are not met.

If Oregon pushes this idiot's positions, it will kill the entirety of this rapidly-becoming-even-less-popular project as more people learn of the scam.

If this clown gets the legislature to run a bill tolling the I-205, then expect a bill over here to remove tolls from the I-5.

This moron may think he's got it going on, but guess what:

He ain't.


  1. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Just wave to former Columbian reporter whom did that story, Andrea Damewood...

    And my favorite quote from the article, "
    Stacey writes the state government should say that any initial phase of the CRC must include transit, active transportation, and the Oregon-side road improvements; a community enhancement and mitigation fund; tolling both the 1-5 and 1-205 crossings; and capping Oregon's contribution at $450 million. Funding shortfalls or project cost over-runs must be covered by toll revenue, not by Oregon taxpayers."

    -- Jeremy

  2. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I should also add, if you do a little research on the internet, Bob Stacey used to be the executive director of a 1000 friends of Oregon.... -- Jeremy


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