Friday, January 25, 2013

Major score by Madore: Ending park fees is going to happen now.

County Commissioner David Madore has certainly been shaking things up since he assumed office a few weeks ago, hasn't he?

Cutting off CRUDEC, and now getting rid of the park fees... just like he promised (Man, THAT'S wierd... a politician keeping a campaign promise?  Who'da thunk it?) and if it torques Tim "The Liar" Leave-it to boot?

It doesn't GET any better than that.
Madore sees way to cancel park fees
Commissioner says it's possible to cut $400,000 from parks department
Columbian files
Children play in the spray park during a recent summer at Klineline Pond. Cars must currently pay a $3 fee to park there and at other Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation sites.
 David Madore
By Erik Hidle
Columbian staff writer

Friday, January 25, 2013

Clark County Commissioner David Madore says the county has found a way to cut about $400,000 from the parks department budget it shares with the city of Vancouver, and will be announcing the elimination of parking fees at county parks as a result within the month.

Madore, who made the declaration that county parks parking fees were heading out the door on a local    radio show Thursday, said he doesn't have details of how the money will be saved, deferring to county staffers.
"One thing about being a commissioner is you can't get in the weeds and get in the details," Madore said after the radio interview.

Earlier this month, Madore asked staff to identify areas where the county could save money without interrupting necessary service to the county parks.

Staffers say the bulk of the savings could come from reducing the county's contribution to the Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation department, a city-county department that plans and maintains parks across the county.

The county sends about $880,000 to the department each year. Staffers said they have found some cuts from the contract that could be viewed as acceptable, but reaching a goal of $400,000 will require further discussion.

News of the plan drew criticism from Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt, who said he was disheartened to hear Madore talk of the county pulling a chunk of its funding.

"I know there have been discussions at the staff level, but there has been nothing brought forward to the policymakers," Leavitt said. "It sounds to me a bit like the commissioner is jumping the gun here, and robbing Peter to pay Paul. You can't waive fees for services and programs and expect that the money is going to drop out of the sky to compensate for the loss."

Leavitt said a reduction in funding will likely result in cuts to staff and programs within the department.

"So you may not have to pay a fee to get into that park, but you may be in a park that hasn't been maintained very well," Leavitt said

If it pisses off Leave-it, then I'm for it.  Well done, David.

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