Friday, January 18, 2013

Local GOP shoots itself in the foot on the gun control bruhaha.

Here’s the problem:

First, few in the GOP here locally would even consider such a vote.

Second, everyone in the 49th delegation, for example, would have no problem sending out the National Guard to confiscate our weapons.

In short, while this is a threat from the local GOP, it’s of the empty, meaningless variety. Those most likely to vote to strip our rights are legislators for a bunch of non-thinking sheep… for example, the blithering idiots who voted for Moeller… and he could rape and axe murder a Girl Scout and they’d STILL vote for him, no matter what the GOP says... or does.

This kind of self flagellation may make a few people feel better, but in reality, it won’t make any difference except to enhance the perspective that the GOP here locally is ran, for good or ill, by a bunch of fringe-right wing whack jobs.

What if, for example, the democrats were to make a similar threat against the legislators in the 18th if they didn’t support the Nazi version of gun control? Think THAT would make any difference?

Of course not.

Sadly, then, this press release is a poorly thought out, knee jerk reaction to laws that don’t yet exist and have at this level, not yet even been attempted.

It is inept, poorly designed, timed incorrectly and uses a cannon to fire at, this moment, what appears to be a knat.  In fact, the only result from this is going to be to make the GOP around here look even more idiotic than they, all too often, already do.

Press Release for 1-17-2013
The following is an official statement from the Clark County Republican Party Chairman, Lynda Wilson
In the interest of prioritizing our Constitutions over partisanship and in response to President Obama's declaration of Executive Orders infringing on citizens' Second Amendment rights, the Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) Board of Directors has passed a motion recommending that the Central Committee (CCRCC) pass a resolution stating, "The Clark County Republican Party may refuse to support and may condemn, and/or recruit opposition to any holder of public office and any candidate for public office who the Board finds has taken any action to infringe, impair or usurp our Natural and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, regardless of their party affiliation".
To communicate with us on this or other matters, please email:
A resolution for consideration by the Central Committee
WHEREAS TheConstitution of the United States is a legal document;
WHEREAS terms in a legal document carry a consistent definition throughout, and;
WHEREAS the term “The People” in our Constitution has identical meaning in the Preamble, the 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, the 4th Amendment, 9th Amendment and 10th Amendment, and;
WHEREAS the right to keep nd bear arms to hunt for subsistence or sport, and the right to keep and bear arms to defend one’s life and property are natural Rights, existing prior to the Constitution and affirmed and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in its 9th Amendment, and;
WHEREAS the individual right to keep and bear arms for the purpose of defending
ourseloves [sic] from any government who might usurp any of our rights is a Natural Right existing prior to the Constitution, and affirmed and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in its 2nd Amendment, and;
WHEREAS the Washington State Constitution states “The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired”, and;
WHEREAS any infringement or impairment of these rights is an offense to unalienable right of Liberty, and is an assault on rights “endowed by our Creator”, all of which are affirmed and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Washington, and;
WHEREAS, any holder of public office who would infringe upon these rights violates our Constitution and their Oath of Office;
The Clark County Republican Party may refuse to to support and may condemn and/or recruit opposition to, any holder of public office and any candidate for public office who the Board finds has taken any action to infringe, impair or usurp our Natural and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, regardless of their party affiliation.
The Board shall issue a press release notifying the public of this Resolution.
Resolved this 16th day of February, 2013 in Vancouver, Washington by the Clark County Central Committee


  1. David Standal8:04 AM

    I'm voting for it. You're arguments are unpersuasive. We can't be cowards and courageous at the same time!

  2. Sorry, David. You're arguing principle. I'm arguing tactics. There's a time and place for every thing. .. and this is neither, since the threats will accomplish absolutely nothing positive. .. unless buffoonery is the local GOP goal.

  3. Just an FYI, the copy of the release you have and that I put up on pdf is a transcription I wrote that contained some typos, since corrected in the pdf I have.

    I bear responsibility for those.


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