Sunday, January 20, 2013

Jaime Herrera and her loot rail position.

Unfortunately for the people of the WA-03, this is the start of Jaime Herrera's third year of miserable "representation," where Jaime can add to her string of now 5 consecutive years of accomplishing absolutely nothing for the people of the this district.

For the entire time this excuse for a legislator has been in office, she has done absolutely nothing to rein in the rip off that is the CRC.  Nothing to give us a voice.  Nothing to demand investigations of this organized crime.

Before the last election, she DID pledge to act in accordance with the outcome of the loot rail M&O tax scam, which failed, essentially, everywhere that people actually were allowed to vote; as 10's of thousands of us were excluded through Marc Boldt's gerrymandering from the CRC taxing district... I mean, the CTran taxiing district.

That, of course, is not the only election she watched.  She watch anti-CRC incumbent Commissioner Tom Mielke get 21,000 more votes than pro-CRC lackey incumbent former Commissioner Marc Boldt, the man most responsible for their even BEING a Jaime Herrera.

Now, Herrera sees a county commissioner with a 12 gauge checkbook, and a proven record of no fear when it comes to aiming it and pulling the trigger.

Herrera's only hope is to usurp the special interests who own her like the 13th Amendment was never passed, and to finally, actually DO something about these scum.  David Madore can beat her like a rented mule, and she knows it.

So, what does she do?

She mouths the right words to try and get some badly needed cred, given her record of DOING absolutely NOTHING to protect our interests from the slime who would ram this issue down our throats... without a vote.

Talk, as Herrera has proven, is cheap.

NOW is the time to act, and quickly.  The campaign season for Herrera starts in a few brief months.  So, when it comes to the CRC?

Much less talk.

A lot more action.

Herrera Beutler: No on light rail, gun bans

She says Clark County voters have made it clear CRC plans must change

U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, spoke with The Columbian in November about her vision for her second congressional term.
U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, spoke with The Columbian in November about her vision for her second congressional term. 
Now that Jaime Herrera Beutler will have more say over federal spending, particularly in the area of transportation, she said she'll advocate for a redesign of the Columbia River Crossing project that excludes light rail. 
The CRC project would replace the Interstate 5 Bridge over the Columbia River, extending a light rail line from Portland into Vancouver, and rebuild five miles of freeway surrounding the bridge. Supporters of the project said redesigning it would set the project back years. 
"I'm pushing for a transit option that people here want, and they've said it's not light rail," she said recently. "We can get federal money for transit and federal money for highways. But, you know what? People are going to have to change their mind a little bit on what they thought they were going to get." 
There will be plenty of other policy fights for Herrera Beutler to face as the 113th Congress takes off this month. The nation's leaders are expected to grapple with policies regarding the debt ceiling, government spending and gun control. 
To date, Herrera has paid lip-service to reining these clowns in.  The democratian's slavish devotion to this nit-wit speaks to the fact that those who run the rag don't seem to believe she's going to do anything like she says she is.

Time will tell.  But there's a very good chance that someone else will be measuring for drapes in her office come November of 14 if she just sits there like she has for the past several years.

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