Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hey, Jaime, HERE's something you can do once they give you your position on women in combat: require women to register for the draft.

Not that someone as much of a coward as Herrera would ever do such a thing, but there it is.

Ladies?  You want absolute and total equality?

You claim you want in the Infantry, for example?






Air-borne Ranger?

No?  Why not?

Like I've said: if you want total and absolute equality, you have to pay a terrible price to achieve it.

You have to get there by meeting the standards currently in place for men.  You have to get there by dying and bleeding in numbers similar to men.

You have to avoid whining when you fail.  Repeatedly.  And you will fail.

And you have to be, and then express, outrage when they lower standards so you can pass.  And they will lower the standards.

You have to be just as hot at filing lawsuits to keep the standards where they are.

You have to be just as motivated to file lawsuits to be included in the draft.

You won't, of course, because, when it comes to "equality," the vast majority of women want that elusive achievement without paying for it.

Kind of like Jaime Herrera became a congress-critter: she did absolutely nothing to earn it except to be Cathy McMorris's bitch.

Well, Jaime, here ya go.  Time to man up and get your big girl panties on.

What say you introduce and amendment to the Selective Service Act:

Drafting women

The other day, when Marty Dempsey and Leon Panetta announced that they were going to open combat jobs, Dempsey, they were asked by the press if their decision would lead to women being registered for the Selective Service System. Dempsey answered that he didn’t even know who the guy is that runs the SSS. Well, Marty, that guy’s name is Lawrence G. Romo. I’ve heard speculation here about whether women will be drafted or not. Well, the short answer is; no, they won’t until the Selective Service law is changed by Congress.
[In 1998,] GAO examined the issue from Selective Service cost and staffing points of view, recognizing that registration of women would require legislative action and operational and budgetary changes. “Selective Service System could register women if its authorizing legislation, the Military Selective Service Act, is amended to allow registering women,” the report stated.
The Washington Post wrote about the subject the other day;
[When Jimmy Carter reestablished draft registration in 1980 in reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan,] A group of men sued the director of the Selective Service at the time , Bernard D. Rostker, arguing that the exclusion of women made the registration requirement unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment’s due-process clause. In a 6 to 3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled that it was acceptable to exclude women. Writing for the majority, Justice William H. Rehnquist determined that “the fact that Congress and the Executive have decided that women should not serve in combat fully justifies Congress in not authorizing their registration.”

In a dissenting opinion, Justice Thurgood Marshall chided the ruling, saying it “places its imprimatur on one of the most potent remaining public expressions of ‘ancient canards about the proper role of women.’?”
So, since women not serving in combat was the Supreme Court’s reason for ruling for their exclusion from the draft. Someone else should sue them now that the exclusion has been lifted and see if we can’t get them drafted, too. Fair is fair, right?

Fair is fair.

Unless you're a woman.

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