Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Here's why Herrera is bending over for Boehner: She's getting the goodies.

I long for the day when that despicable cur representing (if you can call it that) us in Congress is long gone and we can replace our federal bimbette with someone more concerned about the people of this district than she is about what SHE can get out of it.

Herrera has shown herself to be an utterly worthless coward, who is so afraid of us that she actually... unbelievably... refuses to hold open town hall meetings.

She is afraid of confronting us.  She is afraid of being up there on her own to answer for her malfeasance.

Here's a YouTube video done for another faux Republican who voted just like Ridgefield Barbie:

Replace the name and the face with Herrera's and you'd have a carbon copy... an utterly worthless RINO who voted like a democrat in the legislature and votes like one now, in Congress.


Because the $20 Boehner left on OUR dresser for her were some plumb assignments for a worthless back-bencher, presuming she continues to screw us while she's getting nailed by House leadership... like McMorris.

You can read this sickening garbage here, if you like.  But since that waste of skin is a Republican, I'm ashamed I ever called myself one.

The woman is and always has been a disgrace.  That the rag is kissing her ass instead of kicking her teeth in is because they KNOW she supports their position on the CRC, otherwise, they'd be beating her like a drum.

Instead, they throw themselves over every puddle so she won't get her shoes wet, ala Sir Walter Raleigh's cape.

And folks, there's only a limited number of reasons why.  And they begin and end with HER support of THEIR agenda.

Remember, it's not what liars like Herrera (who promised us she would be guided by the M&O vote but has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to keep her word on the issue) SAY.... it's instead, based on what they DO.

And she's GOING to do for us what she ALWAYS does for us:

Absolutely.... nothing.

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