Thursday, January 03, 2013

Great start for Madore: here's why Boldt had to go.

Readers are aware of my opposition to former Commissioner Marc Boldt's re-election: He had become a complete sellout and was totally unresponsive to his constituency.

Well, David Madore realizes he's in the omelet making business, and he's setting about to break a few eggs.

Lisa Walters showed her true colors (and unsuitability for elective office) by referring to to what Madore is doing as "causing trouble on this."

Memo to Walters: being pro-CRC/light rail/tolls is not a good political fit for Battle Ground or anywhere else in Clark County.  And if you can, with a straight face, characterize what Madore is doing as "causing trouble," well, guess what?

That means you.

Those like you that want to saddle the people of this county with this rip off have stacked the Board with those supporting this scam.  Madore is setting about to do the opposite, and showing a great deal of political acumen in the process.

Getting rid of Ganley, Irish and other pro-CRC scammers is a fantastic first-step in setting the table for an unmistakable message to Herrera, Murray and Cantwell that we don't want this garbage here and that there will be a political price to pay if those slimeballs keep pushing it.

The only question: did Herrera get the message?

Fat chance.

Will the Commissioners "Leave-it" this situation by exercising their block-veto of these ongoing scams the pro-CRC'ers have been running for the past several years?

Count on it.

Those who "question his actions" are those rabidly in favor of this generational theft.

Well done, David Madore.  Shine a light on them... and see where they scurry.

Madore rattles C-Tran board

While some question his actions, CRC critic says he's aiming for fairness

David Madore takes the oath of office Wednesday to start his term as a Clark County commissioner.
 David Madore takes the oath of office Wednesday to start his term as a Clark County commissioner.
Behind-the-scenes wrangling over the appointments of two C-Tran board members has some elected officials from Clark County's small cities saying new County Commissioner David Madore overstepped his bounds. For his part, Madore says he's only trying to promote fairness on the board.
Because of the controversy, one of C-Tran's appointed positions is in limbo leading up to the board's first meeting of the year, and two communities are without representation for at least one meeting.
Yacolt withdrew its approval of Battle Ground City Council member Bill Ganley, the C-Tran board's longest-serving member, in mid-December. Ganley has represented Yacolt and Battle Ground on the board since 1998.
Some city officials point to Madore, a vocal critic of the Columbia River Crossing, as the reason for the possible shuffling of power on the board. While commissioner-elect in December, Madore met privately with elected officials from Yacolt, Ridgefield and Battle Ground to discuss a number of issues, including possibly revamping who represents small cities on the C-Tran board.
The conversations centered on Ganley and fellow board member Jim Irish, the mayor of La Center, and another long-serving C-Tran board member.
Battle Ground Mayor Lisa Walters, who met with the then-commissioner-elect for a mid-December lunch meeting, characterized Madore as "stirring the pot" with his line of inquiry.
With three C-Tran board members already highly critical of the CRC — including county Commissioner Tom Mielke, Washougal City Council member Connie
Jo Freeman and Madore — adding two more bridge critics to the board would create a majority slate of opposition. As Southwest Washington's mass transit agency, C-Tran is heavily involved in the crossing project, which includes extending Portland's light-rail line to Clark College.

Ganley and Irish have been total butt-boys for this scam.  Getting them off the board would be best for the people of this county, as illustrated by the 21,000 vote gap between anti-CRC battler Commissioner Tom Mielke and pro-CRC sell out Marc Boldt.

This is why I opposed Boldt, who would never in his wildest dreams engage in this sort of thing.

Good luck, David.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    The Columbian article is the height of hypocrisy. As if "the other side" doesn't also have their own secret back-door meetings to ensure the "right" person is at the table, to lock in votes, etc. The "newspaper" must be hurting for stories once again.


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