Sunday, January 13, 2013

GOP control over the senate in Olympia: will it make any difference?

It had better.

And by "better," I mean that the outcomes of this session had better be markedly different then they otherwise would have been had the dems kept the operating majority.

First and foremost, not one dime for the CRC.  Watching Moeller's?CRUDEC'S head explode would be worth every dime of it.

Second, no tax increases.  How can we afford them from the ever-shrinking pool of net income EARNERS over the ever-increasing pool of net-income WASTERS?


Collective bargaining would be nice: we should get rid of it for any public employee at any level.

Steps must be taken to address the $20 billion we already owe in these pig's retirement.  Wages and benefits should, at a minimum, continue to be frozen and, if necessary, dramatically reduced before any tax increase is even discussed.

A lot of people worked very hard to make this coalition happen.  Don't let it be wasted.

And if it requires melting down, then go ahead and do it.

A bad deal is geometrically worse than no deal.  If Chopp/Inslee doesn't like it, that's tough.

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