Saturday, January 05, 2013

Delusions of Brancaccio: proof you can't fix stupid.

As I may have stated on occasion, Brancaccio and his newspaper are a cancer on our local community.

Today he goes on to illustrate his remarkable ignorance of local politics, best displayed by his rabid support of Marc Boldt and Joe Tanner... and now he cements that stupidity by first, shilling for The Liar and THEN falsely claiming this:
• First, he has to rid himself of that anchor he's been carrying around since the last election. And that would be the "no tolls" campaign push he made when talking about the proposed new Columbia River Bridge. He supports the new bridge. 
The mayor has tried to inch away from that old campaign talking point; but if I were his adviser, I'd tell him to clearly admit his mistake and say he wishes now he wasn't so adamant back then.
Clearly, the moron who printed that tidbit doesn't understand that Leave-it committed the political equivalent of murder to get elected.

For several months before this scumbag defrauded himself into office, I pointed out that every time that scumbag claimed he was opposed to tolls, he was lying.

He was elected on a platform of lies.  And anyone running against that scumbag would be happy to point out that he was lying scum THEN, and totally violating every ethics law known to man by working for a CRC contractor and voting on official actions that impact that contract.

That Brancaccio believes we've forgotten that Leave=-it is lying scum is as moronic as his shilling for Boldt.

Further, even David Madore won in the 49th, showing that Vancouver is hardly the bastion of this rip off that the rag is... and that Leave-it has proven himself to be.

For Brancaccio to suggest that the mere admittance of a "mistake" would do anything other then emphasize the fact that Leave-it is a lying slimeball just shows to go that the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz is more politically attuned to this area then Brancaccio.

It's like, I'm sure, those leftists and RINO's who organized, led and financed Boldt in his campaign: stupidly going without polling, they had no idea that he was going to be crushed.

Brancaccio's effort to rehab this lying scumbag's political career notwithstanding, this is a mountain that Leave-it can't climb.  And now that he's going to run into both Madore's fan AND his checkbook, he would be best suited if he'd just decide to call it a career, his public admission of self-immolation notwithstanding.

At base: Leave-it lied to get elected.  And that's the bottom line.

The morons down at the Lazy C doesn't understand that there are, in fact, TWO anchors around this slimeball's neck:

Anchor One:  He's a liar.

Anchor Two: He lied to get elected.

People voted for this clown because he lied to them.  They supported him because he looked them in the eye and lied to their faces.

Not a tiny fib, mind-you, but a whopper he had to invent to be at least a little different then Pollard.  In short, he ran on a lie, was elected on a lie, and has governed on a lie.

The problem with these two anchors is, quite simply, that he can't "rid himself" of them, short of diving into a vat of molten lava.  When you lie to get elected, you can't be believed when you try and "fix" it.


If Brancaccio had a brain in his head, he'd know that.  But since it's OK to have a liar in office, as long as that scumbag supports your agenda, he's going to spin it as best he can.

Any articulate anti-CRC candidate who calls this clown out to educate people that first, he's a liar and second, that he's for this massive rip off and third, that you can't believe anything he tells you (what's he lying about now?) can beat this scumbag like a rented red-headed step-child.

And Brancaccio's initial lie?
(Note: I've certainly been one of those who have, ah, pointed out the occasional shortcomings of the mayor.)
With the frequency of a Haley's Comet fly-by.

Quick question:  Has this despicable rag beat up Tim "The Liar" Leave-it the most?

Or Don Benton?  Or Tom Mielke?  Or David Madore?

That lie Brancaccio has babbled is right up there with the lie that he's unbiased or non-partisan.

If Leave-it had been as steadfastly opposed to the CRC scam as mayor as he was when he ran, then Brancaccio would be beating on him like a gong.

The only thing more transparent than Leave-it's head is Brancaccio's naked support of the CRC scam and EVERYONE ELSE who supports it.

1 comment:

  1. It's not just that Leavitt lied, but he repeatedly lied over and over again

    Take note in Esther Short Park as he is waving the "documents" and boasting of intricate knowledge of the project he has long been involved in.

    Bring it on Tim, I've been waiting 4 years for this.


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