Monday, December 17, 2012

Odd. Racist Indian-American Republican governor selects racist black Republican congressman to be US Senator.

Wow.  Whoda thunk it?

A racist Republican minority member selecting ANOTHER racist Republican minority to be the US Senator from South Carolina?

The fringe-leftists in the White House and in the media love having their usefool tool sheeple followers actually BELIEVE this crap.

And it doesn't really help that the weak-kneed, lilly-livered leadership of the GOP (Can you say Barak O'Boehner? I KNEW you could!)  that would sell us out in a second (And you know damned well that whatever idiocy O'Boehner comes up with will be slavishly approved by that half-Hispanic empty-suited congresswoman "representing" us will go along with it... whatever it is... and no matter how bad it is...)  does absolutely nothing in minority outreach in this country, ceding the minority vote to the left.

Nope: to be a Republican is to be racist.  To oppose the idiocy of "gay marriage" is to be a bigot.  To question the idea of multiple marriage, sex with animals or children, or marrying inanimate objects is to be unfair, bigoted, racist, "War-on-women" types... and, of course, rarely does anyone stand against this.

Congrats to both Gov. Haley and soon-to-be Sen. Scott.  Well done.

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