Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Marc Boldt, voting like a Republican? Are you KIDDING me?

I dunno what happened here, but Marc Boldt actually took a Republican vote today.

Must be getting close to an election.  Still, a good vote is a good vote.

Just a reminder to Marc: See?  You CAN get something done without "compromising" with Stuart.
Clark County enforces contract union rejected
Negotiations with IT Guild at impasse after 15 months

By Stephanie Rice

Columbian Staff Reporter

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In a rare move, the Board of Clark County Commissioners voted 2-1 Tuesday to enforce a bargaining agreement that had been overwhelmingly rejected by guild members.

Francine Reis, Clark County's director of human resources, asked commissioners to approve the agreement following 15 months of negotiations with the Information Technology Guild, which has approximately 40 members.

Reis said Tuesday the county and the guild, after six meetings with a state mediator, were at an impasse.

The sticking point, said guild president Marian Croteau, who read a prepared statement to commissioners, was a "significant expansion" of managers' rights, particularly when it comes to hiring temporary and project employees.


  1. Imagine how different the county might look today if he had realized this years ago.

    Maybe we wouldn't still be in the 4th year in a row of double digit unemployment.

  2. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Imagine what it would look like if light rail wasn't even ON the radar screen still because there is STILL no verifiable economic data to back it up?? And Boldt was the Ctran chairman WHEN the LPA was approved by the CRC Task Force! -- jeremy


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