Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Man, the wheels start coming off....

At the macro level, I don't see Romney as all that much different then Obama.  In fact, we have the same kind of thing going on here where McKenna isn't really any different then Inslee.

But there is a level where Romney appears to be light years ahead of the empty suit in the White House:


I've never supported Romney or any of the others who ran this go-round.  But watching the wheels come off the Obama bus is like watching a slow-motion 8 car wreck in a NASCAR race:  A lot of loud noise, parts flying off in every direction, sheet-metal carnage, smoke and flame and a lot of damage... much of it, self-inflicted.

It's rare in my experience to see defeat snatched from the jaws of victory this way when you've got it all: the money, the media, the mojo.

Except for one minor detail: results.

And the results here suck at every level.

I actually feel sorry for the Obamas.

Every morning they wake up.  They look around... and it's all bad.


The economy.  Social issues.  The military.  Foreign policy.  Domestic policy.  Health care.

Scott Walker.  Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren.  Eric "Truth Ain't in the Eyes of the Be" Holder.

Democrats deserting at a record rate.  Polling that makes a toilet look good in comparison.
In case you were wondering… That sucking sound is not just the economy. It’s Barack Obama’s latest polling numbers.
These are the top headlines today on Memeorandum.
And yet… Barack Obama still believes the American people agree with his destructive vision for the country.
UPDATE: Good golly! Obama even trails in Wisconsin 47-43.

It's what's missing in Obama land.


  1. Care to make a friendly wager... Or is it all just talk?

  2. A friendly wager about what? That Obama's campaign resembles a train wreck or the ultimate outcome.

    Well, it can't be the former, because frankly, I've seen better looking train wrecks.

    So, if it's the latter, sure. Dinner at the Outback. Spouses included.

  3. Dude, you drive a hard bargain. I'm in. (I like those "Outback Onion Rings.")


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