Friday, June 08, 2012

Light blogging today and this weekend: youngest is graduating from high school tonite...

Our youngest has made it through to this point, avoiding the seemingly ever-increasing number and variety of pitfalls, tripwires, rocks and shoals out there that can ensnare all kids these days... and tonight, she joins the rest of us as a working stiff,  (Both her and her brother were just hired at Costco and just attended orientation!)  on her way to college and her future life.

There were times when it was a near thing.  It hasn't been easy; interference from outside forces very nearly knocked her off the rails a few years back.  But she dug down deep and found that indefinable drive that provided her with the strength to get past all that; persevere, and succeed beyond my wildest expectations.

She's shown herself capable of a strength that I doubted she possessed, overcome unnecessary extra-familial obstacles that could have crippled a lesser woman, and achieved this goal that seemed so far away just a few short years ago when I had serious doubts it would ever happen.

But happen it is, and my pride in her accomplishments know no bounds.

We have a full day and weekend ahead of us... and for many, my lack of quality keyboard time will mean a welcome respite.

But I'm not going all that far away.... and I'll be back on Monday at full steam.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Congratulations to the graduate and proud parents.

    I think it is much harder today to make it through than it was when I graduated, due to those outside influences today.

    Good parenting wins out, though.

  2. Thanks, Lew. Yeah, there seems to be so much more "stuff" out there to influence bad outcomes.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Congratulations to your daughter, her hard-earned success, and to you and your wife, as successful parents.

    Political differences aside, as Lew mentioned before, it is not as easy these days to accomplish many outside influences and distractions.

    Best wishes to your daughter as she moves forward and hope for a lifetime of success!

    Greg Owens


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