Thursday, June 07, 2012

Cortes is out in the 18th.

The problem is that Vick is NOT qualified... and this excuse has nothing to do with Cortes' change of heart.

What really happened was that he ran into some resistance, and he began listening to those he should not have listened to. He heard the voices of those upset, those with an ulterior motive, and those interfering with this district for their own reasons. He ignored those he should have listened to.

It suddenly became "hard," because the reality is that even today, Cortes didn't know a damned thing he didn't know during the time period he could have withdrawn.

Vick, who had rejected the concept of running against Liz Pike for a bunch of reasons that have not changed, has become a political opportunist from the Herrera School.

With Adrian's exit, Vick's likely to become a state representative while having done absolutely nothing to earn it.

And that's JUST what we need..

Meanwhile, those of us in the 18th are stuck with Vick.

He'll likely get appointed to the seat after Ann gets moved up to the senate. As an 18th District PCO, I will oppose that appointment.

As for me, this election, since Adrian's name will still be on the ballot, I will still vote for him over Vick.

I don't know much about Adrian Cortes. I know he has a varied background of service on a number of local boards and commissions.

I know he took out an entrenched incumbent city councilman to win his election.

In 2010, when Brandon ran for the seat ultimately won in a hard-fought battle by Rep. Ann Rivers, Brandon had a difficult time working the campaign. It was difficult, as I understand it, because of family concerns related to business; he had to work very hard during the day and then campaign when he could.

He had a difficult time raising money, putting just over $4400 together for his effort, and received 5.9% of the vote in the primary, coming in fifth in a field of eight.

He went on to become Chair of the Clark County GOP in December of 2010, Ryan Hart having received his pay off for endorsing Jaime Herrera during a contested primary. Being bought, he stays bought.

That night, I asked Brandon if he could do something that other chairs had apparently found impossible:

Address the pre-packaged, looks-like-it-was-slammed-together-by-an-8th-grader-for-a-class-project GOP website that utterly pales in comparison to the democrat website, and:

Restart the newsletter... which hasn't been published in years... also handled neatly by the democrats.

Not published in SIX years, to be precise, although you can still find those years old copies of the newsletter on the web site..

I've asked him about it a time or two. I was told something was being done.... but... well...

No change.

Strike One.

The Clark County Convention was a disaster of epic proportions... for which Brandon both IS responsible, and to his credit, took responsibility.

Nevertheless, it showed a pattern of failure, a pattern of inability to anticipate the issues confronting arguably the largest Convention in this county's political history, save for the state convention.

It was a total failure.

Strike Two.

The mishandling of the Boldt debacle and the subsequent publicity.

Brandon was quoted repeatedly by the Columbian.

The Columbian is not our friend. As a result, Brandon's ONLY comment to the Columbian about the Boldt matter should have been "no comment."

The GOP is not a public organization. The more Brandon talked, the more the cancer on our community was able, since they were already most willing, to poke our party's entrails with a stick.

Brandon failed to recognize he was being played. He failed to understand that the Columbian is not interested in accuracy or facts; they're only interested in protecting their token, for their agenda alleged Republican.

Strike Three.

You're out.

When added to the fact that Brandon is about to become a brand new father for the first time... and to campaign, by definition, will take every waking moment... as will the next legislative session, as far as that goes... one wonders: Why would he leave his wife and baby home alone? How can he discharge his family responsibilities and obligations sitting in interminable meetings in Olympia with his family... his wife... his newborn baby... home... alone.... day after day.... night after night?

Why is political office more important than that?

This is a tough situation for Brandon... very tough. He wants to be a politician and a legislator so bad that he'll do almost anything to achieve it.

Except in this case, the cost is just too high... and his vision is clouded by those with an ulterior motive who don't care what the cost is to Brandon personally.

I care.

Brandon's place is here. His thirst for power blinds him to everything... and I mean EVERYTHING... else.

Added to the abysmal failures of his campaign and his lackluster chairmanship, and you have a trainwreck in waiting.

As a constituent, I want better. As a constituent, I deserve better.

And that's why I cannot support Brandon... and will never support Adrian for anything again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I actually agree with you about Brandon Vick, Kelly. I have one question, appeared to me that Adrian only said that he couldn't put time into campaigning...what would you think about pushing forward an effort to vote for him anyway, since he will already be on the ballot?

    Greg Owens


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