Monday, June 04, 2012

Are Ron Paul followers insane?

I've got to wonder.

They show many of the same characteristics of the more ardent Nazis... The most rabid klansmen... those poor, kool-aid drinking idiots who were attracted to Jim Jones in Guyana.

Lew Waters pointed out the obvious last night, commenting on an article that described Paul's pathetic showing in the state GOP convention this past weekend.

Waters pointed out, rightfully, the only thing worse then beating on a dead horse was placing your bets on one.

The Paul Patrol, a group of genuinely psychotic morons who were likely the same person, began to comment on Lew, attacking every aspect of his life.

Over 100 comments attacking Waters... many of them psychotic... and all of them reinforcing the conclusion that Ron Paul should be put away instead of elected.

They attacked his age and they attacked his military and Vietnam service.

They were... and are... scum.  And, in fact, I believe that they were the same person using multiple identities... kind of like Jon Russell's hobby here.

Look.... I get the attraction to the more politically insecure and ignorant.  I get the Big Brother kind of attraction thing going on; the typical Paulbot hasn't had an original thought in their miserable lives.

I also get that Paul has some interesting views.  But I am not willing to commit ritual suicide to get the Fed audited.  Nor am I willing to cede American power overseas for the privilege... particularly to a clown like Paul who just voted in support of gender-based abortion.

Paul is politically dead.   His followers are politically insane.  They remind me of Hitler in this little youtube vignette:

I appreciate loyalty as much as the next guy.  But it needs to be a loyalty that includes reality.

And the fact that these clowns can't seem to grasp it is, well, the heart of the matter.

Neither Romney nor Obama are all that.'

But these Paulistinians are as psychotic as that moron they're following... a moron who is, I might added, o-fer.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    AAHAHAHAHAHA---Good Monday laugh...I thank you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Lew, how did you manage to trouble yourself enough to bother with that thread for so long? Sometimes, I wish our little cult had an internet nondisclosure agreement, haha. Glancing at that thread just hurts my brain.

    The bright side, you will have a whole slew of us from the local chapter joining you at the re-org meeting!

  4. Well, speaking for Lew, I'd say you're welcome... we're always looking for more observers. Maybe then, you'll be able to see how elective political parties actually work.

    Lew, however, has long since left the GOP... or, should I say, they've long since left him.

    But I'm sure your sort will meet with the same level of success you accomplished at the state convention:


    See, when you folks ID yourselves as Paulbots, you won't get any votes.

    You know, much like you haven't got many votes across the country over these last 3 elections?


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