Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Another bizarre, delusional Paulbot swings by, apparently to set me straight.

One of the more obvious characteristics of the average Paulbot is their narcissism.

They know everything.  Those who oppose them know nothing.

They are smart.  If you're not one of "them," then you are stupid.  Or you're unamerican.  Or you hate the Constitution.

Right off the 5th Grade playground, they truly believe they are all that AND a bag of chips.

They're not, of course.  Politically, their efforts to take over the GOP have been rebuffed everywhere, the head of their cult has been destroyed at the polls, but the self-delusion of these cultists makes it difficult to understand their shtick: here in Washington, they were clobbered at every level; they should have done much, much better at the state convention but incompetence will out, and they only managed a pathetic 10% or so of the delegates.  I expected them to do much, much, better. 

I guess I over-estimated them.

Sorry.  Won't happen again.

While not a Paulbot by any means, I took their side to an extent as to the outcomes and activities at the county convention.

The problem wasn't the Paulistinians at the convention: the problem was county GOP incompetence at the convention.

While I won't rehash all that here, I'll do a summary that says the Paulbots studied the system and used it.  They did a better job of it then those opposed to the simple idiot they follow with such slavish devotion... like Jim Jones at a kool aid factory.

Face it, I despise Ron Paul.  I don't believe him to be evil, although that may be up for debate after his recent vote to allow gender-based abortion.

But I do believe him to be remarkably ignorant about foreign policy.  And while he has some interesting ideas concerning domestic policy, his foreign views are suicidal, in my opinion, and one has to be alive to HAVE a domestic policy."

Recently, Lew Waters commented on a Columbian article concerning the idiocy of the ongoing efforts of the Paulbots.

Suddenly, he finds himself under attack, where every aspect of his life is insulted, criticised, and belittled, INCLUDING his Vietnam service, his age, his employment status, and about every other area of his life.

For a quick view of the efforts of these scum, check out this article:

There's a commonality in the thought process of those in the Paul Cult.

They are their biggest fans.

They lie, exaggerate, attack and generally act like a few Nazi kids gearing up for Kristallnacht.

And if you don't see it their way, you get garbage like this:
Daniel Poletti said...

Mr. Hinton,

I am not sure what history you have with Ron Paul supporters, so I'm not sure what feeds this vitriol that I see from you all over the internet for us. I would personally like to apologize if a Paul supporter took your lunch money when you were a kid, or stole your girlfriend. Allow me to extend an olive branch to you, if it is possible at all.

We are Republicans, and we are more conservative than the outfit that currently runs the show in Clark County. We are not going away, and while you triumph at our recent 'defeat' in Washington, I think anyone that really understands how the system works knows that there are several steps needed to wrest control away from the establishment and all of their automatic delegates at every level of the process. I don't think any of us expected to do it all at once. I take heart though, that we were able to fill the delegation here in the 3rd Congressional district, and I look forward to attending the national convention in August. The upcoming PCO race should be fun as well. If you would like to know more about those efforts, I encourage you to read my own humble offerings on the subject: http://calleduntoliberty.wordpress.com/ .

I also want to discourage you from publicly lambasting the Paul supporter in your precinct without first getting to know him. This behavior reflects badly on you, particularly given the quality of individual that he actually is.

I look forward to a civil and rewarding discourse with you in the future.

Yeah. They might as well say they're Martians as Republicans.

This idiot looks forward to a "civil discourse" and he leads off with this kind of crap:
I am not sure what history you have with Ron Paul supporters, so I'm not sure what feeds this vitriol that I see from you all over the internet for us. I would personally like to apologize if a Paul supporter took your lunch money when you were a kid, or stole your girlfriend. Allow me to extend an olive branch to you, if it is possible at all.
Yeah.  That's civil.

And it's altogether hypocritical.

So, here's my response:

Is this where I point out that, to the best of my recollection, not a single Paulbot delegate was elected in the 6-20?  No?


I, personally, am going to do everything I can to defeat these slime. 

For as long as I live.

Their divisive, holier-than-thou arrogance, their efforts to "take over" and the way they come across are all right out of the Mein Kampf/Sal Alinsky playbook.  The foreign policy platform of their cult-leader is suicidal.

And these are the scum that represent this moron.

Vote for them at your peril... because if ultimately successful, there sort... their 1935, it's-perfectly-OK-for-fellow-whack-jobs-like-Iran-to-have-nukes sort... their utterly delusional, it's-all-a-conspiracy-against-Paul, everyone-who-doesn't-support-Paul-are-liars-or-stupid type...

...will get a lot of us killed.

As for Gary Byers, this clown Poletti claims he's a "quality individual."

If Byers were an axe murderer supporting Paul, he'd be a "quality individual" because support of Paul and his cult is the ONLY "quality" these clowns care about.  They don't care where it's from.  They don't care who it's from.  They just care that it's there.  They'd take it from Wesley Allen Dodd if he were still around and would give it.

Cults are a terrible thing.  And the Paul cult may be the worst in modern times, given their aims and their methods.

Thanks for stopping by, Daniel.  I look forward to a civil and rewarding discourse with you in the future.


  1. Kelly,
    You and I have spoken a few different times about Ron Paul, most recently at the county convention. You know that I am a Paul supporter and a reasonable one at that. Using a common sense approach with all the issues. I can't help to agree that some of these people have taken things way to far. They will have "Zero" influence at the National Convention. They will continue to make Ron Paul look like a cult leader. But mostly they can't admit they lost. Get over it people. I am ashamed to even be associated with many of them.

  2. Yeah, Dave... I remember. You held up your side very well... told me about some of his better ideas.... but....

    Look, here's the deal: a "true" Republican would not be doing what these guys are doing.

    A "true Republican" wouldn't WANT to "wrest control" over the local GOP. After all, if, as Daniel claimed, "we are Republicans," then what, exactly, is the point?

    There's a system out there. It's been gone over with a magnifying glass. The results have taught us many things about participation.

    In fact, it's much like democracy and freedom itself. For too long, Americans have taken for granted what those who've gone on before have paid for. Much can be said about the GOP... the party apparatchiks have taken their positions for granted.

    Now, it would seem, they no longer have that luxury... ala the "Tree of Liberty needs to occasionally be sprinkled with the blood of Patriots.

    That is not to say I support the establishment. Far from. Anyone who's read my meager effort here for any amount of time is well aware that I hold much of it in contempt.

    But I view it as kind of like the government: I loathe much of what they do, but I would defend our form of government and the Constitution with my life.

    The GOP can be salvaged. They must be innovative and responsive. But I will not stand silently by and allow a cult to walk in and take over.

    My definition of a cult:

    a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.

    b. The object of such devotion.

    And man, do Paulbots fit into that, or what?

    Having spent one day out of every four I've been alive wearing it's uniform, I have an appreciation that exceeds many of those who have not served but know oh so much more then those who have.

    Ron Paul has some good ideas. But the bizarre nature, pronouncements and actions he's done outside of presidential politics (Did he REALLY vote to legalize gender-based abortions... like the communist Chinese do every day? Why yes... yes he did) bury those small nuggets of thought in an outright avalanch of crap that makes it impossible to dig down to the good because of the stench of the bad... a stench spread by far too many of his self-deluded followers.

    Thanks for coming by, Dave.


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