Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Zarelli out effective 31 May.

More to come.

For Release:                                                               For Interview Contact:
May 29, 2012                                                              Sen. Joseph Zarelli (360) 786-7634
                                                                                    Download a print quality photo of Sen. Zarelli

Zarelli to resign Senate seat May 31

OLYMPIA… Sen. Joseph Zarelli, R-Ridgefield, announced May 18 he would not seek reelection to the state Senate this fall. Today Zarelli announced he would resign his Senate seat effective May 31.
He issued this statement:
“Now that I’ve made the decision not to seek re-election, it’s time for me to start focusing on where I’m going next and to begin that journey. Moving forward now is the right decision for me and my family. It’s also the right decision for the people of the 18th District, who will be able to transition right away to a new state senator who can take a full and active role over this interim.

“It’s been a pleasure and an honor to serve the people of the 18th District and our state. I will always look fondly on my time in the Legislature and the friendships I formed here. Although my legislative service will end on Thursday, those friendships and the work many of us did together will remain.”

For more information contact Rebecca Japhet at (360) 786-7516 or Rebecca.Japhet@leg.wa.gov 
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www.SenateRepublicans.wa.gov and follow our updates on Twitter.

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