Thursday, May 31, 2012

The "Unbearable Hypocrisy of Columbian."

A rip off of the title "Unbearable Lightness of Being," the disjointed situational ethics of our local daily is cause to shake one's head in utter disbelief.

Today's editorial?  In Our View: Don't ignore the voters.


Perhaps the fact that 71% of the people of this county are demanding the protections of I-1053 is a driver for this?

Ultimately, there's absolutely nothing unconstitutional about 1053; in King County, the fringe leftist neo-communist organizations like the WEA and the League of Socialist Voters went judge-shopping until they found the fringe-left whack job they needed.

Hey... we all know the drill: both sides do it.  I get that.  Leftist scum like Jim Moeller who, unfortunately, represents a district who's heavy dependence on the fiscal rape of others results in his "state representative for life" meme (At the congressional level, think whack-job Jimmy McDermott in the 7th; A Model Obama District of abysmal economic and educational outcomes that some 3rd world countries exceed) really do not care about the will of the people as long as they can bend us over and extract cash like a dentist extracting teeth.

All of that, for purposes of this post, is neither here nor there.

But for THIS newspaper to demand that the voters not be ignored?

That, from THIS newspaper, who so rabidly supports the CTran gerrymandered tax district which excludes 100,000 rural Clark County voters from having a say, but not from paying their tax?

That from THIS newspaper, which has REPEATEDLY supported Vancouver's multiple lawsuits to silence the voters on downtown redevelopment?

That from THIS newspaper, which has remained steadfastly opposed to any county-wide vote on the CRC.... AGAIN excluding and, therefore, "ignoring" 10's of thousands of voters?

The situational ethics of this rag are a joke.  the situational lack of consistency where one set of standards is applied to a given situation or; for purposes of endorsements, a given candidate; only to have a different set applied to another when that person or situation is put into the "do not like" category so favored by the bully pulpit of leftism.

"Don't ignore the voters?"  Of course, "don't ignore the voters."

But why are there so many times, places and situations where this very rag does... and demands... just that?

1 comment:

  1. Th greatest enemy that Clark County hasy is Th3 Columbian"


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