Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thankfully, Jon Russell has finally resigned.

The wonderful news that Jon Russell is not only no longer in government but moving to the other side of the country was greeted across CCP and JRW lands with joy and acclimation.

Russell's political behavior and actions are so egregious that I devoted a blog to his hi jinks... a blog that will stay up in perpetuity for generations to come.

It's unfortunate that someone of Russell's proven lack of character and integrity has managed to fool people who should presumably, know better.

For details, search both this blog and Jon Russell Watch.

His absence will neither be noticed or missed.

Hopefully, he will never come back... and I am thankful that I've never had to suffer under his "representation."

In that, I appreciate the fact that his influence failed to extend beyond the city limits of Washougal, and soon, he will become a distant memory.

Like Lew Waters, I wish his employer luck.

With him working for them...

...They're gonna need it.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.


  1. Virginia's loss if Washougal's gain.

  2. That should be "is Washougal's gain."

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Lew, I think you meant to state it this way - "Washougal's loss is Virginia's gain!" -- Jeremy


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