Friday, May 11, 2012

Taking Marco Rubio off my list: endorses some version of the Dream Act

Not having it.

There is only one acceptable way to deal with illegal aliens, no matter how or when they got here: deportation.

Anything less, no matter the reason, including pandering for votes, is absolutely unacceptable.

Rubio's "camel's nose under the tent flap" approach of giving illegals visas if they were brought here as children "if they attend college or serve in the military," when, frankly, illegals should be allowed to do neither no matter nhow long they've been here or how they arrived.

As a result of this effort, marco Rubio will no longer be acceptable to me as a candidate... for anything.

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Last I heard, illegal aliens were barred from Military Service.

    If their unlawful entry was meant to be honored, we wouldn't call them ILLEGAL!

    As the report out of Indiana recently showed, illegals are costing the U.S. Billions of dollars every year in fraudulent tax returns, taking child care tax credits for children not even in the U.S.!!


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