Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Rivers nails it: the Review/Rubber Stamp Committee a "huge waste of money."

As we continue to waste millions in preparation for wasting billions, the dog and pony show with the pre-ordained outcomes continues.

There never was any question that the slime running the CRC scam and their planned theft would be held accountable: like any other criminals who buy the judges, they were as destined to get a pass as the massive scam of the decision-making process with the pre-ordained outcome for loot rail and a bridge replacement back when they were going through THAT series of lies and deceit and "screw the taxpayer."

Rep. Ann Rivers, R-La Center, attended Tuesday’s expert reviewpanel meeting and expressed extreme frustration with what she said was the group’s thus far “rubber stamp” approach to C-Tran’s plans for high capacity transit, both for light rail as part of the CRC and bus rapid transit on Fourth Plain Boulevard in Vancouver.
The Washington Legislature is paying for $250,000 of the up to $500,000 cost of the review panel, which is required by law before C-Tran may take a sales tax measure for high capacity transit to the voters.

“This is a huge waste of money, and I hope to God C-Tran doesn’t come to me and ask for more money,” Rivers said.

Expert Review Panel Chairman Dennis Hinebaugh told Rivers during a break that there are many divergent opinions about the megaproject, and that he wasn’t there to voice his personal opinion on the CRC.

“I’m here to see if you went through this process legally and fairly,” Hinebaugh said.
Well, it was NOT "fair," because, of course, the outcome was pre-ordained and the people continue to be ignored.

Hundreds and thousands of comments received.  Ask the question: how many of those comments were incorporated in the final, pre-bridge too low scam plan?

How many of those comments made ANY DIFFERENCE AT ALL?

None.  Not one made a damned bit of difference... which makes the whole scam a charade... a rip-off of democracy, hiding behind a false facade of inclusion.

"Fair?"  There's NOTHING "fair" about ramming this crap down our throat.

But that won't matter here, will it?

Fair my ass, Mr. "Hand-picked-to-do-what-the-powers-that-be-demand" Hindbaugh.

You ain't doing "fair."  "Fair isn't what they've paid you for.  Stalling and rubber-stamping is what you've been paid for.

And that's what you're going to deliver.

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