Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Brancaccian Idiocy: Tolls? Why, they're the same thing as user fees!

Well, I've got to tell you, when you've got an agenda in politics, particularly on the fringe left, asking the people what they want is simply not thinkable... when their desires may conflict.

Thus, the latest stupidity from Lou Brancaccio and his sidekick Jim "Let's sue the people who are too stupid to think for themselves" Moeller.

See, in Brancaccio's most recent pro-bridge, pro-loot rail, pro-toll propganda, he presents his typically one-sided perspective while deliberately over-looking the most important element... on purpose.

When you have a situation like this, where the Downtown Mafia and those corrupted by the influences therein want something, in this case the already acknowledged but never-written about by Brancaccio fact that the entire project is a loot rail scam (And who has been saying that here for the past decade or so?) they will do all they can to keep it from a vote.

That's what the Mayor of Talicouver has done, exercising that "veto" to keep this rip off from going to a vote, and that's what the Columbian has done, even going so far as to lie about what the people actually want while doing absolutely nothing concerning a vote.

So here, we have Brancaccio's straw man position that it's a user fee, and user fees are what everyone wants.

And that's true... except for one tiny detail:

Nobody has asked us.

And because of that, in fact, no one wants user fees.

Didya ever notice that no one... NO ONE has talked about the massive, decades long negative impacts of extorting $100,000,000 -plus in disposable income from this community will cause for families and small business?

There hasn't been any studies... no one has expressed concern over the impacts on low income commuters... or pizza parlors or movie theaters or any of the rest.

Gotta wonder.  Why is that?

And the excuses?  We voted for the scum who are doing this.  Therefore, we have no say... almost like the state constitution doesn't exist.

Or Moeller's garbage:

Jim Moeller · Top Commenter
Vote on what David? No one like tolls David. However, I support that the voters should vote on a bonds and levies or sales tax or property tax increases. Having the public's support for general operation like public safety in police, fire or public health or for capital projects like schools and libraries or roads and bridges is a good thing. Public financing plans are very appropriate for voters to weigh in on. However, elections with no teeth but "feel good" advisory votes is a waste of voters time and scarce public dollars.

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