Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Greg Owens still playing the role of whiny little bitch over striking out on the ballpark rip off.

So, as part of the brouhaha over Stephanie Rice's column of lies, half-truths and campaign propaganda, a non-serving pogue by the name of Greg Owens had to get his penny's worth in as part of the comment section.

Greg Owens · Top Commenter · Camas, Washington
Lew Waters: Lew, speak only for yourself. Kelly was very rude in his approach on this issue, as he always is on any issue. He has also made other allegations that he didn't back up regarding Joe. I am not surprised that Joe didn't respond to Kelly. After seeing his attacks and allegations, who would? I think you handled this well and appropriately. I don't think appropriate is a word in Kelly Hinton's vocabulary.
I had, in fact, never heard of Greg until this little tidbit popped up in the comments section of my blog:
This stadium is a great idea with perfect timing! It will be used significantly by the community and the college, so public funding is appropriate. Not even you and Lew can put a damper on this one! It is a grand day for Vancouver...baseball is coming to town! Greg Owens on Well, the deal is out there. The Leavitt baseball stadium scam.

 Anonymous on 5/13/11
I, of course, was instrumental in killing this deal.  That said, Greg continued on over the next several months, militantly campaigning to rip us off on a tax so he could go watch junior minor league baseball built in a facility those actually going to use would only have top pay 5% of while the hundreds of thousands of the rest of us who would never set foot in this massive rip off, built for the Yakima Millionaires at our expense... and without asking us... would have to pay for it by playing golf... or going to a movie.

It was absurd.  Moronic.  The height of arrogance.  It was a scam that would have drawn admiration from Al Capone.  I viewed the whole thing as a rather sporting challenge from Greg.

Ultimately, I did oh, so much more then "put a damper on it."

I killed it.

In the process, I repeatedly schooled and embarrassed Greggy, who never quite wrapped his head around the idea that his ignorance could not be so easily overcome: I schooled him on a variety of subjects ranging from process through the issue of greens fees and how much he and the others who wanted this scam were so far out of touch, both with the voters and reality, if they ever thought they would hear the phrase "play ball!" in their scam rip off.

As a result, Greggy exhibits pure Obsessive Compulsive Disorder on the both the issue and on any of us smart enough to have first, understood the system and how to manipulate it and second, those of us smart enough to be able to kill his dream of ripping off 400,000 of US so HE could watch a bunch of kids just out of high school play the baseball equivalent of putt-putt golf.

I embarrassed him... repeatedly.  I proved his ignorance and stupidity.   I made him look like an idiot.

And that wasn't difficult.

The result was his perspective... his non-serving perspective... his typically ignorant perspective... his arrogantly prejudicial perspective and his sheer, rank hypocrisy at claiming that I've "made other allegations I didn't back up regarding Joe," all, of course, without listing a one.

Greg is fixated on those smarter then he is... and those who killed his dream of ripping us off so he could get HIS play pen.

I don't write things on this blog that I cannot source.  I don't write things here that I cannot base on information I've received from credible sources.  Like anyone else, I can make a mistake and when I do, I correct it.

But Greg's playground bullshit wasn't about that.  It was spite, pure and simple, and hatred for those who bettered him.

And Greg, I really enjoyed killing your ballpark scam.


Have a nice life, you little worm.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You mean that The Columbian has a (gasp!) "Double Standard", Lew? I think we saw a "taste" of that when you were being "queer-baited" a couple weeks ago...

  3. One of the things that pisses me off the most about the local democrat daily is their inability to exhibit fairness. But when you run all your "reporting" through an agenda filter, truth be damned, I suppose none of this should be particularly surprising.

    In the past, I had been one of Briggs staunchest defenders. But now I'm starting to get a glimpse of why Russell was screwing with this guy.

    In part, it's likely he deserved it.

  4. Kelly. Thanks for saying all the stuff I've been wanting to say for a long time about those two creeps Owens and Briggs. Last time I did that they told me I was permanently banned from a scurrilous local publication (not a newspaper), AND their sycophant friends were trying to call me at work, lying about who I was, and trying to find out where I live. I really appreciate you and Lew for what you do.

  5. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Wow, Kelly. You sure have delusions of grandeur. Your ability to have any ability whatsoever to "kill" any issue on your own is only in your own mind.

    Second, your ability to "spank" anybody is just below that of my grandmother.

    Third, for someone that you don't need to pay any attention to, you sure like to pay attention to little ol' me. I would be flattered, but yeah, not so much.

    Fourth, resorting to namecalling and profanity shows just how small your ability to really communicate effectively really is. No small wonder that you are a political pariah.

    And last, while you are living in your own reality, what you write has little bearing on anything really important.

    Carry on, soldier. Windmills await you.

    Greg Owens

  6. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Don't post my response, Kelly. I understand the power you must think you have by doing that. You live in your own reality, that's for sure. So, enjoy it. It's good to be king.

    Greg Owens

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Not allowing my response to be seen is rather cowardly, dontcha think, Kelly? All about truth, honesty and honor, not allowing a dishonest silence pass, eh? Well, BS on that. To lay down such a one-sided rant and not allow a response is that of a coward. Is that how you survived your service, Kelly? When the heat was turned up, did you run out of the kitchen?

    Greg Owens


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No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
