Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Gee... Ya think? Angry Caroline Kennedy Calls Obama “A Liar”


When a Kennedy is pissed at a democrat president, you know there's trouble in River City.

Angry Caroline Kennedy Calls Obama “A Liar”
May 15, 2012 3:01 pm
It has now come out that Edward Klein’s new unauthorized biography of President Obama, “The Amateur,” alleges that Obama was a source of discontentment within the Kennedy family.
Recall that Caroline Kennedy was a very prominent supporter of Barack Obama in his 2008 campaign, going so far as to write in the New York Times, “I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspire them. But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president – not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans.”
Klein’s alleges those sentiments have changed dramatically since 2008.
Via The Blaze:
“There had always been tensions at Kennedy family gatherings — fist fights and overturned tables were not unheard of — and this event was no exception,” Klein writes in an advanced copy obtained by The Blaze. That “event” was a meeting in 2009, which featured a who’s who in the Kennedy family, including Ted. The family figurehead, a family source tells Klein, tried to propose a toast to Obama twice, and Caroline joined in. But not everyone was happy about it: the night included a finger-pointing argument between Bobby and Ted, and Bobby even got so angry he broke his fluted glass after squeezing it too hard.”
Why is this important now? Klein claims that Caroline has undergone a transformation, and now strongly dislikes Obama. Caroline has allegedly been snubbed by the Obamas several times, bordering on insulting on occasion.

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