Saturday, May 12, 2012

From the "No Lie He Won't Tell" File, Lou Brancaccio writes.



The Columbian believes strongly it should leave a legacy of giving to this community. And the Columbian’s newsroom believes its legacy will be providing news and information that will help bring our community together.
When Brancaccio wrote this words... or had them written... he must have been on drugs.

The newsroom lies, frequently at the behest of Brancaccio or his Pit Yorkie, in support of their agenda and their candidates who support that agenda.

That the people aren't asked doesn't matter to them.  They lie, they exaggerate, their lean, they ignore.

The idea, for example, that there wouldn't be "a large interest" in Jim Jacks' alcohol fueled misconduct with female staffers in Olympia is a story this rag and Brancaccio has covered up for over 400 days.

What.  The people wouldn't care that an elected state representative assaults staff?

Apparently not if he's a democrat.

The Chief Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court opined that we're all getting hosed; screwed to get loot rail over into Clark County.... and Brancaccio and his little whipping boy and their butt buddies, Leave-it, Stuart, Boldt, the Taliban City Council of Vancouver and the rest of the CRC scammers KNOW IT... but they don't care.

Here's the quote acknowledging how badly were getting screwed:

The Oregon Supreme Court has succeeded in doing what scores of public meetings, thousands of pages of reports, and endless public relations spin could not: Give us the original rationale behind the proposed $3.5 billion Columbia River Crossing.
The answer, according to the court: The massive Interstate 5 bridge and freeway project is a “political necessity” to persuade Clark County residents to accept something they previously didn’t want—a MAX light-rail line from Portland to Vancouver. (To read the Feb. 16, 2012 Oregon Supreme Court decision regarding the Columbia River Crossing Project, click here (PDF, 18 pages))
Project opponents filed a legal challenge to the way Metro, the regional planning agency, granted sweeping land-use approval to the project. The Oregon Supreme Court sided mostly with Metro.
But Chief Justice Paul De Muniz, writing for the majority, highlighted an inconvenient set of facts for CRC backers.
He wrote in the Feb. 16 opinion that most of the project—namely the 10-lane freeway bridge and new interchanges—was put forward to get Clark County to agree to the light-rail line.
De Muniz cited statements that Metro made in the land-use process and Metro’s lawyer repeated before his court.
“It was politically impossible for the light rail project to proceed without also building new interstate bridges across the Columbia River,” De Muniz wrote.
“Or as Metro later summarized it: ‘There is no light rail without the freeway bridge[s] being replaced.’”
Backers have cited traffic and safety issues as the top reasons to build the CRC. But the court ruling means those and other justifications were created after officials decided to give a sop to Clark County, now worth $2.5 billion.


With Jacks, the lie was the "lack of a paper trail," as if that's the only way they clowns can do their jobs.

Well, there damned sure is a paper-trail on THIS: what's lacking is any REPORTING on it.

Apparently, in Brancaccio's world, both lies of CO-mission, AND O-mission "help bring our community together."

And then Brancaccio spews his garbage today.  He, and the Campbells, ought to be ashamed of themselves. 

Literally, sickening.

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