Monday, May 21, 2012

Fascinating: a 3 way fight for PCO here in my little district.

So now, there are 3 people filed for my little precinct, both redistricted into this little section of Heaven.

We have me... we have a Paulistinian named Gary A. Byers... and we have non-Republican Marc Boldt.

Yes, that's my brother-in-law COMMISSIONER Marc Boldt, kicked out of the GOP for all intents and purposes... Boldt filing for PCO makes as much sense as Steve Stuart filing for it...

I look forward to a "spirited" contest.

I'll be putting this to bed for now... and, after all, the reasons to reject Boldt as PCO are even more relevant as a series of reasons to vote against Boldt for Commissioner.

I wonder if the other two opponents would agree to a debate?

More... much more... later. Think mid-July.

And then it's going to be a fist fight.


  1. That's crazy? 3 people for PCO! And one of them is Boldt! And YOU! I love politics - can't wait for July...

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Do you think this might be payback for the killing of the baseball stadium? And will you taping this?

    I'm sure you WANT a recording of this for eventual later purposes..... -- Jeremy

  3. Anonymous9:32 PM

    One more thing, Kelly. I know you have some personal baggage with your BIL, but don't do some thing stupid like get yourself thrown into jail and then, let the columbian reporters have a FIELD day with your mistake.

    I think you are smart enough to debate him on his merits and mistakes but don't do some thing physical.... Be proud, be understood for what's up in your head and the feelings but don't let it go any father than that.... -- Jeremy

  4. Not to worry, J. "Fist fight" is only a figure of speech.

    One of the interesting things about being a PCO is that I don't need to be a PCO. I can live without it.

    The Paulistinians hate me because I speak my mind about the psycho cultist they're so hot for.

    Marc is trying to restore himself to the good graces of the party.

    Odd for a guy who has publically admitted to not even bothering to read the party platform.

    So, not to worry. I really haven't talked to Marc since 2008, his claims of trying to get me to stop writing about Jaime notwithstanding.

    I freely admit it: Marc's the nicest guy you're ever going to meet; he hates and does everything he can to avoid confrontation. Except, of course, that just means he's too easily manipulated.

    So.... no. Nothing physical.

    But if he thinks I'm just going to give up on this... because the by-God commissioner is wasting his time on this...

    He's mistaken.

  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Ok, so now do I ask the DUMB question. If you feel such that you do not need the PCO thing and might follow right out of the GOP like Lew did, Why do you feel you must stay?

    Is this a placeholder thing? You got my curious alarm sounding... -- Jeremy

  6. I became a PCO to make sure that Jon Russell didn't get apponted dog catcher.

    I had a feeling that appointments would be made; I had determined that I would do everything I legally could to keep Jon Russell from achieving any such appointment which was much easier to do as a PCO on the inside then Joe Sixpack on the outside.

    With Russell's departure, the primary reason for my involvement in the part of the process will leave with him.

    Now the question becomes one of crossing sabers with Boldt (Byers, as a Paulistinian, has no chance.) to avoid any comparison between him and a genuine Republican, something he stopped being years ago.

    Haven't decided, but I'm leaning towards just walking away... under the "my work here is done" guise.

  7. I hesitate speaking here but even though Boldt will win your PCO spot (how could he not?), you should stay in the game. It makes you more than Joe Sixpack - adds valuable cred of "walk the talk" variety.

    p.s. Frankly, Lew should too.

  8. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Thanks for the history lesson, Kelly... -- Jeremy

  9. The recipe to defeat Marc Boldt for PCO:

    Take his quotes from the newspaper: "I hadn't read the platofrm."

    Show that he voted for gerrymandering the CTran district which disenfranchised every single vote in this precinct from having any say on a tax HE supported... and we have to pay for... at least 3 times.

    Show that he supports the CRC, the bridge, light rail and tolls.

    Remind people of his conflict of interest votes to get his wife paid.

    Show that in 2008, he promised not to raise taxes... yet has done so repeatedly.

    Remind every Republican that he twice endorsed democrat Steve Stuart against Republican county commissioner candidates; both Bruce Hagenson AND Tom Mielke.

    You ask "how could he not?" I respond: if I doorbell this precinct myself with literature detailing all of this...

    ... he's toast.

    That's how.

  10. By the way... did I mention that Marc hates to doorbell? Because he doesn't have the answers?

  11. Dude! That's what I'm talkin' about.

  12. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I know Gary Byers, the guy you dismiss as a 'Paulistinian'. He is an excellent fellow and cares a lot about his party. He would probably make a better PCO than either of you chest-beaters. Good luck, Gary.

  13. Well, Gary, here's the deal.

    You ARE a Paulbot (I mean, c'mon, the Columbian even has your picture up waiting to listen to that nut job) and that guy can't win an election to save his life, outside that backward, re-re district he represents in Texas.

    Tie him to that moron Paul and he tostitos.

    So yeah... I know a lot about you.

    "Good luck?"

    He's gonna need it, I think.


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