Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brandon Vick getting manhandled by the media.

Earlier, I described my list of reasons to oppose Brandon Vick as my state representative.

Among those many reasons was Brandon's total inability to handle the media.

He cannot seem to understand that the media is not his friend, and, particularly when you have an "R" after your name, they're going to do what they can to make you look like an idiot.  Like they made him look like one today.

As a prospective constituent, one of the many things most likely don't want in their state representative is for them to act impulsively, emotionally, or without due deliberation.

The following quote indicates that Brandon engaged in all three, while putting his political hunger ahead of his own family.

Vick, 27, is making his second attempt at running for public office. Vick ran for the same House seat in 2010, when he lost to Rivers.
He said he wasn't expecting to run in this election until the last day of filing week, when state Rep. Paul Harris, R-Vancouver, called Vick at 4:30 p.m. to tell him to file for candidacy.
"Politics is about timing and opportunity, and obviously there was a situation here where a lot happened in a matter of a half-hour," Vick said.

What happened is that Vick acted so impetuously, I'm told that when he showed up to file he didn't have the money and someone else wrote the check for him.

What happened is that Vick, who had refused to run for the open seat that Pike is now running for, put all those objections he expressed to running aside in a moment, including his family and his job in an instant, because he heard what he believed to be the magic words: "open seat."

Around primary election time, Brandon will become a brand new daddy.  And instead of doing THAT, he'll be doing THIS, as he would be when being forced to spend months in Olympia if he were to somehow miraculously win.

Well, here's what I want.

I want a candidate who has studied the situation and knows the political terrain.

I want a candidate who can actually talk to the media in such a way they won't make him out to look like a child jumping on a banana split.

I want a candidate who thinks things through and who won't allow himself to be led down the garden path by virtue of what he WANTS to hear instead of the reality of what is.

Brandon will not win.  He's got enough luggage to open up a Samsonite factory.  He cannot deal with political reality.  And he runs the risk of two abysmal political campaigns in a row with the added burden of his disastrous handling of both the convention AND the Boldt debacle.

These kinds of things show that when he has duties and responsibilities... he has a heck of a time carrying them out... and it's an outcome based business.

Vick needs to quickly learn that the media is NOT his friend.  Politically, Brandon is a danger to himself and his party until he masters that fact.

And as a result, this article just serves to re-enforce my earlier position:  I cannot support Brandon Vick for state representative.

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