Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Barca's signature scam: looks like he was Barca-ing up the wrong tree.


And accompanied by the all-too-typical democrat self-delusion.

You remember this guy, don't you?  He was going to forgo the more mundane aspect of writing a 1% of the annual-salary filing fee that all positions require because his "grass roots" campaign would get him the signatures needed in-lieu of.

Didn't happen.  Who knew?
Pledging to submit signatures instead of paying a filing fee -- which is 1 percent of the annual salary of the position -- is unusual, and I wrote a story.
This week, guess who wrote a check out for $1022.88?
When asked why he changed his plans, Barca, a Battle Ground resident who works as a lean practitioner at Boeing Commercial Aircraft in Gresham, Ore., wrote in an email that he didn't change his plans.
"My plan was to run a grass roots campaign that includes meeting people and raise signatures to waive my filing fee. I had many volunteers help with the effort and they all met hundreds of people. Those people now know my name. I do not spend the funds entrusted to me lightly, but my campaign will continue and I will press on fund raising and campaigning to win," Barca wrote.

It's not that he was going to try this route... it's that he couldn't get it done... and then refused to acknowledge the error in his thinking.

Kinda like the two democrats already on the Commission.

And most of the city council of Vancouver.

Just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Derek4:50 PM

    I guess the possible miscalculation/naivete is a relevant thing to mention, but "scam?" Meh.. Seems kinda reaching, but I liked the Barca-ing silliness.


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