Monday, May 14, 2012

And speaking of Paul... he gives up. Finally.

Look, anyone with even a remote grasp on reality knew this guy had no chance.  None.

That he could con so many people and put together such a horrific cult of personality reminds me of some of the other great con men of the last century:

Obama.  Mussolini.  Lenin.  Stalin.  Hitler. 

No, of course what these guys did isn't comparable to a back-country doctor who never got a bill passed in his 30 years in Congress (Not unlike our OWN congresswoman, come to think of it.)

But the fanaticism of many of his supporters?

Precisely the same.

The trampling on the rights of others?

It's just a matter of degree.

And now he's finally done.

Soon, Paul will have achieved the same notoriety as Ross Perot... while failing to actually accomplish anything, unlike Perot.

Who will the whack jobs coalesce around now?

1 comment:

  1. I used to not care what the Indian tribes did with their gambling empire and, frankly, I still don't - but your reporting on the issue has raised my awareness of the corruption involved. I will be paying attention from now on. Thanks for keeping it real.


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