Sunday, April 29, 2012

More leftist idiocy from the Columbian: State Boosts Construction

Continuing on in their socialist meme, the local democrat newsletter and public relations arm tells us:
Gov. Chris Gregoire last Monday figuratively hit the nail on the head when she proclaimed: “Jobs are the way out of this recession.”Washington workers will literally hit the nail on the head as a consequence of what Gregoire did with her pen that same day. She signed a $1 billion construction bill that is expected to create 18,000 jobs. The work will affect numerous sectors of the state’s economy, most significantly education, water quality and economic development. By putting her name to the collaborative, bipartisan product of the Legislature, Gregoire sets in action a process that will use debt financing to launch numerous shovel-ready projects.
It is not, of course, and never HAS been the government's... at any level... function to "create jobs."

What they've done here is rip us off for more unnecessary crap like the CRC extortion while strengthening their union base's ability to fund their campaigns, a lesser, included but ignored feature of this criminal enterprise... because every one of those "18,000 jobs" these morons babble about will be paid for by removing money from MY pocket... and yours.

No, government's function is to create a climate where the PRIVATE SECTOR can "create jobs."  It is not their function to sink their fangs deeper into our jugulars to pay off the special interests who own their "collaborative" legislators like the Emancipation Proclamation was never uttered, and the 13th Amendment was a suggestion, and not the end of slavery.

Putting a point on it, let's divide our state's population into this figure to see how much each of us are going to have to unscrew at the left elbow to pay for this garbage:

1,000,000,000/6,830,038= $146.41

So.... looking around at my family of 4, We're responsible for over $600 of this crap.... money getting sucked out of OUR pockets to pay for this prevailing wage crap that makes the newspaper positively giddy.

Why is it the rag never seems to break it down to our level?  Could it be?

They don't want us to know?

Why shades of Jim Jacks and the Columbian's ongoing cover up of his alcohol fueled misconduct with female staff in Olympia.

That our local legislators (And, of course, there were TWELVE legislators "serving Clark County," a figure that will climb to 15 by next session and not the "9" these morons tell us about) voted for this is not something to be proud of.  It is, instead, a reason to question them... their motives and their vision... plus their ability to see the smaller picture... the picture that asks the question: how are those of us writing the checks supposed to pay for this as well?

The continuing wastes of money for garbage like Vancouver, the obvious political aspects of this nonsense are dismissed out of hand by the democrat lackeys running the rag... but not by those of us paying the bills.

1 comment:

  1. What?

    When a construction co. gets a bid they are not constrained to using local labor. It's more likely that large firm (the kind that wins big contracts) has a cohort of sub-contractors it normally uses that are probably NOT LOCAL. In fact, most of the construction money paid by Washington residents is going out-of-state, not stimulating the ecomony nor increasing sales tax revenues!


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