Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Group dictatorship in Clark County.

There are, in my estimation, two types of government at base: inclusive and exclusive.

Odd, isn't it, that the United States has fought several wars to defend others... and ourselves, from the imposition of exclusive government... and now, we find ourselves living in a county that practices nothing BUT "exclusive government."

Ask yourselves: if the Taliban were running the city council of Vancouver... or CTrans... and they wanted to be as moronic as the rest of those who have a light rail/new bridge fetish, do you believe they would allow a vote?

How many votes did they allow when they were running, say, Kabul, Afghanistan?  The same number as Tim Leavitt wants to allow on this project.  Amazing coincidence that, what?

Perhaps it would be helpful to define terms to illustrate the fact that those governing us resemble nothing so much as those hundreds of thousands of us died to defeat in wars stretching back centuries.

I define "exclusive government" as that which we have now.  That is, what those being governed want, need, are willing to pay for?

In an "exclusive government," none of that makes any difference to those in charge.

In an INCLUSIVE government, the needs, wants and opinions are sought out.  Those governing do not cower in fear at the thought that maybe... just maybe, the people don't agree with their vision.  They just don't give a damn.

In inclusive government, they understand that, like the constitution of this state tells us, "All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed..." and as a result, the desires of the people reign supreme.

Typically, those on the left around here seem to believe that once they're in office, all political power flows from THEM.  Those, like Boldt, idiotically hide behind the moronic mantra that "this isn't a democracy and we're not going to put 'everything' to a vote."

No one, of course, is asking them or anyone else to put "everything to a vote."

But when as there is now, opposition to horrifically expensive projects or even cheap but definitely unnecessary projects like the ballpark, the idea that we shouldn't be asked?  That's the height of monumentally stupid and arrogant government.

Like others in governments throughout history and around the world; those we typically refer to as "dictators," an "exclusive government" is one where the views and permission of those governed are neither sought... nor allowed.

Let us never forget that this same city... Vancouver... sued the voters into silence... TWICE... to eliminate their voice on the rip off known as the Pollard Hilton.  And how has that worked out for us?

Dictators, tyrants and the slimeballs on CTrans who want to ram this garbage down our throats without asking us all have a great deal in common.  Who, for example, did Hitler ask before he decided to build the autobahn?

For those perhaps outraged that I would make such a comparison: tough.  Get over it.  You see, the comparison makes itself.  And like Hitler, Chavez, Leavitt and others, once these people were "elected," they believe(d) that any responsibility to the electorate, or communication from the electorate, is unnecessary and obstructionist to their vision.  And in this instance, the mean is the same... it's just a matter of degree.

For Hitler it was world domination and the 3rd Reich.  For many Muslims, it's the imposition of sharia law.

For Tim Leavitt, it's ramming a multi-billion dollar project down our throats that we do not need, want or can afford.

In an exclusive government like that practiced in Vancouver, the similarities to these scoundrels of history far outweigh the differences.

One question, though: who were the blithering idiots that set up a system that allowed the pond scum from Vancouver to call all the shots?

Meanwhile, to those on the CTran Board, you can feel free to do the right thing and walk out... and stay out... until the slime from Vancouver allow a vote.

Democrat County Commissioner and Boldt-mentor Steve Stuart PROMISED us an election as part of his re-election campaign in October 2010.  Democrat County Commissioner Marc Boldt (Again, in the interest of full disclosure, Marc is my brother in law and I worked for him as his legislative assistant for 6 years while he was a state representative.) told me to my face that he would provide a countywide advisory vote on the entirety of this project back in February, 2010 for the following November.

I must have missed those elections.

Those elected among us who believe that their political power flows entirely from their position tell us that the people HAVE voted... they provided the votes that put them into office... as if that ends any responsibility.  They typically go on to tell us that if the people don;'t like what they've done IN office, well, they can be voted out at the next election... as if that's the end of it.

The question remains unanswered, however, as to how, exactly, do we undo the damage of their arrogance that took place while they were IN office?

For example, if this crap pile loot rail/bridge scam ripoff is built, how do we undo the damage committed by Boldt, Stuart, Leave-it, Moeller and the rest?  How does just getting rid of those clowns fix any of the problems they've caused?

Clearly, it doesn't.  And with equal clarity, they know that... and just... don't... care.

The county can kill this deal.  If they don't?

Well, we'll know they never, ever planned to allow a vote in the first place, and because Leave-it is likely to never run for election to anything else, he's the "designated driver" to take all the heat... because, as he's made it clear... he doesn't give a damn, as long as he gets this crap pile built.


  1. Watching twitter for Eric Florip, Leave-It moved to delay consideration of sales tax vote almost right away, saying "we've been asked to 'take a step back' and look at other light rail funding options."

    I'm waiting for anybody to state just what "funding options" will not originate in taxpayers pockets.

  2. Eric's latest tweets:

    Eric Florip ‏ @col_enviro
    Leavitt's motion to delay fails. Only #vanwa councilors in favor.

    Eric Florip ‏ @col_enviro
    #clarkwa commish Steve Stuart moves for full district wide vote in November.

  3. The city council is using a county agency to ram light rail into the city and will make the entire county pay for it whilst cutting the community out of the decision-making process.

    The way to put a stop to this business is to file a citizen's initiative petition to abolish C-Tran as an agency.

    Abolishing C-Tran would put a stop to the entire project.

  4. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Guys - If you really want to see Tim's arrogance (and yes, I AM a City of Vancouver voter!) review Lew's hand extended out to Tim to chat about various subjects....

    He then just adds in qualifiers, addendums and delimiters to his participation IN this event to the point that only HIS chosen few can participate in the discussion. (reminds you of our federal delegation and the HOT coffees?)

    Then he within a couple of hours decided that he can't participate! This sounds SO much like the forums from 2 years ago that he quit doing because it was inconvenient and he did not want to hear the truth. Remember? (though I do agree with one reason why they stopped. It became infested with people that were not from the area the council was trying target and just became a continuous referendum on the same useless subject...) -- Jeremy


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