Monday, March 12, 2012

Today's CRC idiocy: Highway 520 bridge provides little insight to CRC officials

When you have a group of people focused on extorting billions from the public without their permission, it's not surprising that they would not care to learn anything from the nightmare that has been the SR 520 floating bridge debacle.

$400 million.

Let me repeat that:

$400 million.

That's how much their local version of the CRC scammers sucked out of the taxpayers without turning a shovel full of dirt.

For anyone, including the local paper, to claim that the SR 520 nightmare has "provided little insight" to the local extortionists, while not surprising, is wildly inaccurate.  The SR 520 bandits have given a clinic on how to waste hundreds of millions of dollars... and the CRC only has a little less than $240 million to vaporize to catch up with the costs of the "plan."  Just one example of their theft?

The spent millions of dollars on Public Relations.  So far.

As of one year ago, that had blown through $7.7 million to JUST ONE FIRM.

Since traffic has continued to drop every year for the past several over the I-5 bridge, planning on tolls to pay for this rip off is a mistake... a serious error in judgment that goes along with the incompetence of the bridge design,  the scam behind the entire CRC, the lies of the politicians to get elected... and the horrific over-billing that continues unabated.

So, while it doesn't SEEM to "provide any insights" to those actively engaged in the rip off, it sure provides insight to those of us who're gonna get stuck with the bill.

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