Friday, March 02, 2012

Just when you thought those shilling the bridge couldn't get any more incompetent, they find a way: the bridge isn't TALL enough.

And the hits just keep on coming.

First, we get confirmation of what I've known all along: this has NEVER been about replacing a bridge that doesn't need to be replaced: this has ALWAYS been about light rail.

Next, we hear from the Mayor of Vancouver that he doesn't want us to have ANY say about ANY of this.

And now, we hear that the bridge design, that we have wasted $150 million on already, ISN'T FRICKING TALL ENOUGH??????

There can be no greater example of governmental incompetence then this.

The CTran Board, Leave-it, Stuart, Boldt, and everyone else shilling for this thing should be ashamed of themselves to the point of resignation.

This screwup ought to be good for another $100 million or so to Evans and Associates, all by itself.

There is no excuse for this kind of stupidity... but you can bet that Leave-it and Stuart are sure going to find at least one.

Can we expect another joint announcement by Oregon and Washington's governors accepting the NEXT plan?  And the NEXT?

Remember, kids, they blew through $400 million in planning without turning a shovel of dirt on replacing SR520 (The Bellevue Floating Bridge)... and I said at the time that we had hundreds of millions to go before we caught up.

And catch up we will.

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