Thursday, March 22, 2012

If the CRC Thugs get their way... here's our future.

Seattle has its own economic black hole and rip-off on a scale that would turn Bernie Madoff and Al Capone green with envy: the SR520 Bellevue Floating Bridge.

Having gone through $400 million before a shovel-full of dirt was turned (And wasting $400 million in "planning" and "public relations" is the plan here as well for our own CRC mugging) these criminals have felt compelled to begin tolling years before the product is finished; a moronic enough approach... but having begun this extortion a few months ago, they then compound this rip off by INCREASING THE TOLLS ON A PROJECT THEY HAVEN'T EVEN BUILT, YET.

Well, get used to it.  And you know... YOU KNOW, the CRC Thugs down here will do precisely the same thing.

So, whatever number they finally give us for tolls... that number is low-balled at best with frequent... and over time, massive... tolling increases.

Taking it a step further:
Once tolls took effect, about half of the bridge's normal traffic shifted to other routes to avoid paying. Some of that traffic has returned. In February, traffic levels were about 17 percent higher than forecasted, with toll revenue about 7 percent higher, according to WSDOT's news release. An average of 57,000 vehicles crossed the bridge daily(weekdays and weekends) in February, a month during which the bridge was closed for one full weekend.

So... IF, and it's a huge if, "toll revenue (is) about 7 percent higher" (than forcasted) why do they need to increase the tolls 2.5%... and what's happening to the remaining 4.5%?

Seems to me that whatever they forcasted should be the number, and the tolls should take a 7% CUT... or at least, a 4.5% cut to remain on projections.  It sure looks to me like government is taking more money than they need.

But THAT can't be right... could it?  And they'd NEVER do so something like that here...

Would they?

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