Friday, March 09, 2012

Gee, the Seattle Times isn't afraid of me.

The Mariners, who've already managed to screw up the season with their trades (An all-too-typical scenario as the Mariners seem to be the farm team for the rest of the Major Leagues) have decided to see if they can't squeeze a bit more blood out of the local turnip with a monstrosity known as "dynamic pricing," or charging more for tickets when, say, a real baseball team comes to town.

Here was my response to that article; a comment I left via Facebook and then published on the Times front web page.

Odd, isn't it?  The Seattle Times, more of a real newspaper, doesn't seem to be afraid of me.

I wonder why that is?

1 comment:

  1. The Times has always been more of a "real newspaper". The PI was always nothing more than an Elitist Douchebucket.


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