Monday, March 12, 2012

The Columbian re-enforces how out of touch they actually are.

Our "collective embarrassment?"

Yet another in the practically endless series of clues that the paper is completely out of touch.

First, excepting the idiocy and waste of time of the gay marriage debacle that the fringe leftists put ahead of anything else including our budget, economy, schools and the like, we've done nothing to be embarrassed about. I must admit, however, I missed the sniveling editorials taking the legislature to task for wasting their time and ours during that stupidity...  something they certainly had no difficulty going after Sen. Benton for his WIAA bill.  But then, that's Columbian hypocrisy in action.

Second, the exodus of people from the train wreck known as "Oregon" is not something we must concern ourselves with in this state save for the impacts of our exploding population, a population made up in large part of those evacuating the state that seems to get it "all right" while we continue to get it "all wrong."

If our state, which is bad enough (and it is... bad enough) was as misbegotten as the paper would make it out to be, then how is it the migration is all northward, and I don't mean to Canada's Vancouver... though if those coming here have any sense, they avoid this Keystone county like the plague. After all, if Oregon were all that, then why is it that Washington, hardly a Utopia itself, is getting an additional congressional seat?

Thirdly, the GOP in at least one Oregon house of government has a somewhat larger stature then the footnote they've been in Olympia for the last decade or so.... but the paper doesn't mention that.

On the whole, Oregon is a socialist disaster. As always, if those so enamored of their own wit hate it so much and believe Oregon, in comparison, to be all that and a bag of chips (Still waiting on the loot rail/bridge scam expose' from the Oregon Supreme Court... but I also recognize that if I hold my breath waiting for that, I'll be dead first) then feel free to join your fellow neo-communists across the river and leave us alone.

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