Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The rag's ongoing jihad against Benton and the WIAA bill: what's up with that?

Man, when the morons down at the democratian get the bit between their tooth, there's really no stopping them.

The latest in the series is from some idiot who knows as much about legislation as he does brain surgery, Paul Valencia.

Through the typical nonsensical, exaggerated, warped perspective of a democratian reporter, the SPORTS moron is joining the cavalcade of leftist slime writing as if the democrats were paying them by the word.

And, typically for these morons, there's a lot of whining, and no solutions offered in lieu of this bill.

There's also precisely no empathy shown for these kids, run over by an out of control outfit that answers to no one for their decisions, no matter how right or, as in this case and the Archbishop Murphy case, those decisions may be.

NO ONE is disputing that there needs to be rules and they need to be followed. The dispute isn't there, and why the rag keeps bringing up irrelevant crap like this as if it was isn't a mystery... it's an excuse to beat the hell out of Benton... again... like they've been doing since 1994.  After all, if they stuck to the reality of the situation, they wouldn't have a damned thing to say.

The issue is who gets punished... and why... not that there should BE any punishment.  And the rag knows that.

We don't believe in Nazi-like reprisals for the actions of others.  Yet, that's precisely what's happening here.  The adults on these teams screwed yup, and the kids were made to suffer for it.

This organization is punishing the CHILDREN for what ADULTS are doing. Are they so dense that they can't get that?

It's not JUST the volleyball team. But even if it were, who gets hurt when the kids suffer for a decision made by their adult coaches?

The democratian's clown babbled:
No one is suggesting that the King’s Way or Archbishop Murphy situations were anything but honest mistakes. Yet, mistakes have consequences. What is the point of a governing body of high school athletics if that body cannot enforce its rules?
NO ONE DISPUTES that "mistakes have consequences." What is under dispute is who suffers for those "mistakes" when someone else CAUSES them... and the depth of those consequences when MISTAKES happen?

So,  a typesetter screws up this clowns article, and the Valencia gets fired for it.  Would that be OK with him?  Because that's the same kind of thing that happened here.

If there is an oddity, its that Valencia and the rest of his despicable rag are so much more concerned about the WIAA than they are the children they've hurt. They act as if the organization's over-reaction is somehow just spiffy, and that athletic anarchy will ensue if they are legislatively re-focused onto what they are, in fact, there for: the kids.

That "order were orders" crap didn't work in the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, and it doesn't work here.

I don't know what's launched Valencia and the rag he works for on this jihad against Benton THIS time, but it's like everything else the rag seems to bitch about: long on whining, short on solutions and zero empathy for a bunch of kids who busted their asses to play a game only to have mistakes made by OTHERS make their labors worthless.

Kinda like Valencia's snivel-fest here.

To me, there is absolutely no difference between the kids getting screwed here by an organization that answers to no one and, say, Valencia writing a book, only to be sued in court because a word-processor at the publisher incorrectly typed a paragraph into the computer... and he winds up losing everything as a result.

Valencia, apparently, would have no problem with that, since, after all, "mistakes have consequences."

And, as a symptom of the democratian disease, his "amen choir" crap about beating Benton to a pulp for no reason that passes the smell test is an exact case in point.

The entire purpose for school athletics is for the benefit of the children. Valencia and the rest of his rag, who cavalierly dismiss the bipartisan nature of this bill, among the largest number of co-sponsors in our state's history, have some other motive in mind when they do so.

And that is to their shame... but it is also to be expected when a rag like this cancer on our community has long since lost any pretense of fairness, objectivity and integrity.

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