Sunday, February 05, 2012

The ongoing lie of Herrera continues and the democratian game playing.

The lie?
The Republican from Camas aggressively declared, “You’re darn straight I am going to do everything in my power to make sure the people I represent are asked to approve whether or not they’re going to put their hard-earned tax dollars into a federal program. People are going to be asked to pay for maintenance and operation (of light rail). … Those people who are going to be required to pay this money have a right to say,’Yes, we want this project,’ or ‘No, we don’t want this project.’”

She, allegedly, "represents" people in Pierce County, although you, and they, wouldn't know it.

Are they going to be asked?

How about Pacific? Or Cowlitz?  Or how about my own neighborhood, here in Hockinson?

No.  of course not.

Again, this kind of do-nothing language has one purpose and one purpose only: to lull the voters into actually believing that first, she gives a damn and second, that she's actually doing something about it.

Here's the quote from the paper that more ACCURATELY explains the situation:
The Republican from Camas aggressively declared, “You’re darn straight I am going to do everything in my power to make sure a small group of people in a carefully gerrymandered tax district are asked to approve whether or not they’re going to put the hard-earned tax dollars of 5/6ths of the voters in my district who won't be allowed to vote into a small part of a federal program while the entire project gets no vote at all.  People in this tiny part of my district are going to be asked to tax the rest of the district, who won't be allowed any say under my "plan," are going to be asked to force those who were excluded from the vote but also in my congressional district, to pay for maintenance and operation (of light rail). … Those FEW people (instead of my entire district) who are going to require the excluded part of my district to pay this money and the excluded part of my district will have no right to say,’Yes, we want this project,’ or ‘No, we don’t want this project.’”
That's the hell of it.

Any effort, using the term advisedly, that she's making is only to empower the tiny minority of voters in the carefully cut out, pro-tax increase, gerrymandered CTran taxing district to have a say... a say limited to loot rail when we ALL need a say on the ENTIRE PROJECT.

That means that even were such a vote to be taken, once again, it would be only empower a tiny minority to decide to impose a tax on the rest of Southwest Washington... while skipping the bigger, more important question of replacing a bridge that does not NEED replacing instead of expanding our surface capabilities to REALLY attack congestion, instead of wasting billions for a project that will do nothing except bring loot rail into Vancouver.

Since Babs wants the bridge, loot rail and the tolls, while simultaneously counting on voter stupidity, she's acting like she's fighting to get us a vote, any vote, a fight she's deliberately going to lose (since she doesn't want a vote of any consequence, either) so she can come back and tell her adoring, yet misguided and politically ignorant constituents that well, she gave it the old college try.

Have I mentioned that the GOP controls everything in the House and DeFazio couldn't stop a ham sandwich if the GOP really, really, REALLY wanted something?

The democratian joins in her lies by reaffirming the fallacy that they want a vote as well.  But left out of their fake column was the fact that first, they too want such a vote to apply only to the CTran district, excluding the vast majority of the congressional district generally and Clark County specifically, because like everyone else shilling for this scam, those running the rag are well aware of the fact that the larger the net the vote casts, the more likely they are to lose the vote.

And speaking of "votes," these fake calls for a vote are more circulation-driven then anything else:  the rag, too, wants to show at least some small level of empathy with the vast majority of an area which cordially detests it.  But it's failure to crusade for this vote... to hold all candidates for office accountable for a vote?

Remember: in dealing with politicians, do not be persuaded by what they say.

Be persuaded by what they DO.  And Herrera... and the rag... are doing NOTHING... they're just doing it loudly.

Reading very carefully between the lines of all of this garbage, the following facts are clear:

First, neither Ridgefield Barbie nor the paper want a vote.

Second, if either wanted a vote, they would be, and would actually HAVE, hammered on that issue like it was a nail.

The paper's silence eloquently speaks to the real fact that when they claim, meekly and in their mildest manner, that "We advocated a countywide vote on this project almost a year ago," the fact that it's hard to find anything written about such a demand since... or that anyone running for elective office at any level has faced anything but an endorsement if they were in opposition to such a vote (So, for example, Wylie was demanding a vote?  of course not.  Did the paper endorse her?  Of course they did.) proves otherwise.

In fact, literally for years, the moron running the show kept telling us there WAS no opposition to this scam.

In summary, here are the bogus, nonsensical worthless aspects of the scam both Barbie and the democratian are running:
Jaime Herrera Beutler is correct in urging a public vote on the light-rail portion of the Columbia River Crossing.

No she isn't.

Where she WOULD be correct is if, at a minimum, she was demanding a COUNTY-WIDE VOTE ON THE ENTIRE PROJECT, WORTHLESS BRIDGE AND ALL.

That would be correct for her and every other elected official in this area.

Anything less then this is far, far short of "correct."

See, the rag is all about giving us a voice on the tiniest part of this project.

But let us have a say on the entirety of this rip off?

Neither the rag, nor Herrera, would think of it.

They condemn the 65,000 commuters and their families to a lifetime of tolls... hundreds of millions of dollars sucked out of our local economy forever, damaging those families and the businesses which depend on their disposable income.

And they do it without a second thought... except to lie about it and do anything they can to manipulate the public into believing their lies.

The gullible will sign on and willingly go along with their plan because they don't realize what's happening beneath the surface.

Those with a responsibility to the people... our congresswoman and our daily newspaper, know everything I've written here to be true.  But their selective application of the truth is why they are to be despised and exposed by those of us who do.

Holding them accountable must be the duty.  Exposing their lies must be the task.  And on the unlikely off-chance these two, Herrera and the democratian, really MEANT any of this?

They would be, and would have, been working much, much harder to make it happen.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

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