Monday, February 13, 2012

More proof that Herrera is the same as Tim "The Liar" Leave-it

Regular readers should remember my recent observations concerning Ridgefield Barbie's CRC scam:
Since Babs wants the bridge, loot rail and the tolls, while simultaneously counting on voter stupidity, she's acting like she's fighting to get us a vote, any vote, a fight she's deliberately going to lose (since she doesn't want a vote of any consequence, either) so she can come back and tell her adoring, yet misguided and politically ignorant constituents that well, she gave it the old college try.
The facts show that Barbie wants the bridge replaced, wants the tolls, and wants loot rail.

The idiotically lame "effort" she made to get "us" a vote was a sham.  It was political Kabuki Theater designed to get people to actually BELIEVE she wants us to have a say... when that's simply not true.

And her flack's latest idiocy proves that:

Herrera Beutler: Highway bill would ensure funding for CRC

What happened to all of her babble about "holding a vote to see what we want, first?

So, even without a vote, this lame-brain Leave-it wannabee makes sure the Federal part of this massive, multi-billion dollar rip off is slammed into place.

Let me say that again: her fake histrionics over a vote that she really doesn't want us to take notwithstanding, this fake in a Congresswoman's costume has scammed the money WITHOUT getting us a vote... that she didn't want for us in the first place... thus abandoning the ONLY limited leverage she had in the first place.

With the money available,m why on earth would Herrera and the rest of her slime urge or get us a vote, when the only thing a vote can do is possibly stop all this nonsense?

You don't think this simple, idiotic puppet WANTS to stop all this... do you?  Particularly with a county-wide vote?

And where have we been scammed like this before?  Who else ripped us off by claiming their opposition to tolls... or claiming, falsely, that we would get a vote?

Why Tim "The Liar" Leave-it and Steve "The Slimeball" Stuart.

They are all the same.  Scummy rip off artists who would sell their own mother to get what they want... and always without asking... because "no" ain't in their vocabulary.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

1 comment:

  1. She held another tele-townhall this evening. Part of it was a poll on whether or not people want vote on paying for light rail.

    When Ryan announced that 84% were answering they did indeed want a vote on paying for light rail, she could only say "wow," as if she had no idea.

    Where the hell has she been?


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