Friday, February 03, 2012

The Irony of Boldt's state of the county address.

Most regular readers know three things: that Marc Boldt is a county commissioner and fake Republican, that he is my brother in law, and that I will do everything I legally can to get him out of office.

I tell the reader that in the interest of full-disclosure.  That I am related to Marc through marriage does not give him a pass with me when it comes to his rampant political treason, where he routinely works to raise our taxes, to keep us from voting on the CTran scam, restrict our gun rights, and vote against the only real Republican on the council, Tom Mielke.

I also worked for Marc for 6 years on legislative staff, where he USED to be the consummate conservative; now a man long since gone over into the dark side, controlled by fringe-leftist nutter Steve "The Slimball " Stuart, another politician like Tim "The Liar" Leavitt who ran an election campaign of lies regarding the CRC scam that has wasted tens of millions of our dollars to enrich the few at the expense of the many.

In February of 2010, Marc PERSONALLY promised... TO MY FACE... that we would have a county wide vote on the CRC.

He then  did everything he could to keep that from happening, so far, successfully; joining with the Camas Manikin in making sure that we get stuck with a horrific bill for a project we don't want, don't need and can't afford.

Boldt is for the CRC scam; he's for loot rail, and he's for permanent tolling and indebting our children for generations to pay for this garbage.  He has been effectively banished from the GOP for his multiple-year leftist-voting binge that has raised our taxes without asking, supported gerrymandering the CTran tax district, and his utter destruction of the integrity of the legislative appointment system where he made sure that Ridgefield Barbie would get the appointment because his buddie Cathy McMorris asked him to... bastardizing a process into something so rife with corruption that a blind dog could see it in a minute.

So, when Boldt says something like this in a speech:
Toward the end of his speech, he talked about how local officials act.
“What does character have to do with the state of the county?” Boldt said. “Character does a lot that has been overlooked.”
My BS/irony meter pegs.

Given that he routinely throws us under the bus, voting AGAINST Mielke far more then he votes against The Slimeball, one would wonder:  What the hell would Boldt know about "character?"

If you need to know about selling out and screwing your constituency... well, he's your guy.

But "character?"

"Character" in an elected official means responsiveness to your constituency. It means voting like a Republican...EVERY time.  It means not fearing the will of the voter on ANY issue... and that means ALL the voters, not just those in a carefully doctored district likely to pass a tax on everyone else because, thanks in part to Boldt, tens of thousands of us are not allowed to vote.

I EXPECT Stuart to be a lying slimeball.  He's a leftist democrat in moderate's fake clothing.  He lies like he breathes.

But Boldt is SUPPOSED to be different.

And he's not.  For Marc to talk about "character" makes as much sense as Jim "The Candy man" Moeller trying to explain it.... concepts as foreign to these two as Sanskrit. 

For the latest on Boldt, swing by GOP headquarters.... or the web site.

Try and find mention of him in either location.

They're done with him as well.

And one has to wonder: why is that?

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