Monday, February 27, 2012

The dearth of candidates continuuuuues.

I was chatting with a friend of mine a couple of days ago, and he asked me:

"So, who's running for anything down there?"

I said, "Well, we have one announced candidate in the 18th, and one announced candidate in the 49th for Pridemore's seat due to his impending retirement from elective politics."

Last cycle, there were ten candidates announced by now in just the 18th. (Barnett, Bittner, Carson, Dean, Haugen, Kampe, Rivers, Russell, Vick, Orcutt)

Locally, we have precisely zero challenge candidates announced for the legislature or county commission.  Even Jaime Herrera has no serious opposition when I believe her to be particularly vulnerable because of her demonstrated lack of courage.

Where are all the candidates?  What is happening out there?

You hear rumbles out there... but that's all.  I hear the name Tanner bandied about, for example... but as a democrat with a voting record in the legislature, he needs to be careful.  This isn't going to be a democrat year in SW Washington.

Still, no names announced... just a bunch of rumors.

Time's getting critical; filing has moved back yet another month to May... that's right around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, here is one you MIGHT have missed. She sounds like a conservative democrat like Tim Probst.

    She's running against JHB.


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