Sunday, February 26, 2012

Criteria for my political support at the congressional, legislative, county and city level.

Its rather simple, really.  I will oppose any candidate that does not support the following:

1.  A county wide vote on the entirety of the CRC project.

2.  A pledge to vote against any rule, law or policy that does not include a referendum clause at the county level for the entirety of the CRC project or anything related to it.

3.  A complete audit of the CRC.

4.  Complete opposition to light rail.

5.  Complete opposition to any toll.

6.  Complete opposition to any income tax.

7.  Complete opposition to any effort to overturn any initiative, in court or in the legislature.

8.  Complete support for E-verify for everyone.

9.  Complete opposition to the Cowlitz scam.

10.  Complete support for requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote and legal, photo ID actually to vote.

11.  Complete support for requiring a vote for any tax increase.

12.  Complete oppositon to increases in pay or benefits for public employees.

13.  A total effort to address the $20 billion or so retirement shortfall.

These are my top issues.

There are other issues, of course, but they don't apply to all candidates at every level locally.

If a candidate fails to articulate these positions or actually ignores them, I will not only refuse to support them, I will, in fact, actively oppose them.  And I can do a fairly good job of that.

For purpose of definition, "complete support" means you will either implement such changes yourself or actively support those who do.

"Complete opposition" means you will do everything you legally can to stop an activity on this list.

In case anyone is wondering.

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