Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Another blow to Inslee: Major Democrat donor Nick Hanauer to meet with McKenna.

Beased on my conclusions concerning the more RINO elements of the McKenna campaign, wherein his politics lean more moderate democrat than conservative Republican, this is not terribly surprising.

That said, this ongoing "death of a thousand cuts" to Inslee causes untold damage, as previously safe democrat money begins to flow to McKenna and the perception (Remembering that "perception is alwasy the political reality") that the wheels have come off Inslee's campaign and democrat buyer's remorse is becoming increasingly palpable.

All in all, a tough day for Jay Inslee.  

Democrat Hanauer: On Education, “McKenna Is On the Right Track, We Are Not.”

Yesterday, Washington Education Association president Mary Lindquist wrote an open letter to PubliCola criticizing major Democratic donor Nick Hanauer for denouncing the Democrats’ position on ed reform and announcing that he planned to meet with Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna.
Today, we’ve got Hanauer’s response to teachers’ union president Lindquist.

Dear Mary,
Thank you for your recent open letter to me and PubliCola. It will not surprise you to hear that I disagreed with some of it.

As a lifelong Democrat and committed progressive, I too believe that McKenna’s reflexive Republican positions on social issues, taxation, and the role of government are deeply misguided.
But if McKenna and Republicans are wrong in some areas, it hardly excuses us Democrats from being wrong on school reform. Here at least, McKenna is on the right track, and we are not.
Looking at the student achievement data, it’s absurd to assert that our public school system in Washington is sufficiently innovative or accountable. We may be headed in the right direction, but we aren’t in the right lane.

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