Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yet another reason to oppose RINO Reagan Dunn for AG: he wants gay marriage... without a vote.

As a columnist for the fringe left Seattle Times, it's understood that supporting gay marriage and most every other fringe-left political position is a job requirement.  After all, you don't see any columnist working for the Times that could remotely be called "conservative," so that perspective is ridiculed and belittled by default.

Danny Westneat is typical of the meme.  Although, perhaps, not the neo-communist that Joni Balter is, his nonsensical campaign puff-piece for RINO Reagan Dunn is a bit much.

This garbage from Alex Hayes, for example:

"In the reality of the Republican Party, being pro-gay rights is in no way a winning stance," says Alex Hays, director of Mainstream Republicans of Washington, himself a rare GOP backer of gay rights.

"You get attacked by the right. At the same time you get no credit from the gay community, because you're still a Republican.

"The only reason to do it is if you feel something strong in your heart."
Is just that: garbage. (You ever notice that the only difference between a mainstreamer and a democrat is... well... there is no difference.)

First, if it's what he felt "strong in his heart," he would have done it years ago.

Second, to have even a chance at AG statewide, he has to, at minimum, neutralize King, Pierce and Snohomish counties.

That this is anything BUT a calculating political move, just like Pflug's sudden favor for gay marriage as she sells out her caucus is a political move as she shoves her district off the deck in favor of Dunn's county council seat is a politically opportunist move, is absurd.

No courage.  Just a reading of the tea leaves and a wager that the base will vote for the Republican anyway, because hatred of democrats will drive that vote.

Well, Dunn just shot to the top of the list of people I will not vote for in this or any other election.

That Westneat sees this as a "courage" issue is just another example of the left wearing out sets of kneepads as they engage in oral copulation with those who agree with their agenda.

They've lionized fake Republican senators Litzow and Pflug; and now Dunn.  That they know it's a political scam done entirely for political reasons hasn't stopped them from lying, exaggerating and misrepresenting the "why" of it.  And the "why" of it is that these people would sell their own mothers in a Kabul whorehouse to get elected to the next higher office.

And with the Times and their lockstep democrat agenda, clearly, nothing else in a candidate will matter to them except getting gays the "right" to marry (a crock, of course.... gays have the same rights to marry as non-gays.... just not to each other.) and a gay marriage litmus test.

We have the government we deserve.  And if a slimeball like Dunn gets elected on cheap theatrics, well, we'll deserve that as well.

But it ain't happening with my vote.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Danny Westneat's reporting was incomplete. Dunn said he would support the King County Legislative Agenda with the line of "supporting marriage equality" if and only if it included a religious exemption. This was Joe McDermott's concession, and it mirrors Gregoire's position at the state level.

    Further, Dunn went on to offer an amendment that would add the line, in effect, we believe marriage equality should go to a vote of the people. The amendment failed 5-4 across party lines. For some reason, this was not mentioned in Westneat's article, and it should not be left out of this blog.

    However you stand on the marriage equality issue, I think more Republicans are seeing the nation's attitude shift on it. If they want to preserve their popularity and, thus, their jobs, they are going to try and get ahead of this movement. Yes, it's political. No, it's not personal.

    Bottom line, Dunn said he would support the agenda further offering an amendment that would send this issue to the people of our state.


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