Wednesday, January 18, 2012



  1. What does your US representative think: (thanks to Stevie Mathieu)

    "U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, did not provide a firm answer when asked about SOPA on Monday during an interview at The Columbian. She said she would need to do more research on the bill, but added that she has concerns about what it could mean for consumers and free enterprise."

    (side column: )

    MY first question, why was Jamie not informed on this bill? This bill has been all over the i-net for months gathering up steam of opposition for months. She doesn't even know the bill?

    I can give Maria Cantwell some credit as she is a former RealAudio executive along with Denny Heck, so she knows the in's and outs of this subject being the company she worked for is on both sides of this issue.

    I'll give Senator Patty Murray a minor break because she's got a whole bunch of serious, HIGH level caucus and other positions. For a short time I'll allow it.

    But does JAIME understand HOW many Clark County business depend on a free flowed internet? How many remote and home businesses USE this medium?

    Some times I big to wonder if I should someone a dim bulb to hand her every time she opens her mouth.

    And one final, non-political comment. If a part of this even finds a minor light of day, I can guaratee you kelly that there are systems in place or are being dreamed up that will ALWAYS make the internet a free and open media. And congress won't be able to do any damn thing about it.

    Even if we have to go back modem, 1980s text based, BBS interchange of network mail and files. There is a long history of innovation that even the Mah Bells were behind the times!

    Do you think the software industries were able to stop piracy from a insurgent base of people??

  2. If the woman ever had a firm thought about anything it died of loneliness a decade ago.

  3. I never thought I'd ever say this about anyone, but this woman is more dim bulb than any other mental case I've met in my life.

    Have you heard of anyone whom they might be running against her? I'd think the political constituencies and special interests of the 3rd congressional district as its now formed, should be putting together a wishlist of whom they want to run for this LD?


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