Monday, January 23, 2012

When The Obama Administration gets really stupid: TSA "detains" sitting US Senator.

So, I whip open my browser, and what do I see?

Standoff in Nashville...
Rand Paul refused patdown...
'Police state growing out of control'...
On way to Senate, March For Life...
Constitution: 'Privileged From Arrest'...

No, it's not the individual in question that makes this idiocy: the program itself is idiocy.

But a sitting, in-office, US Senator?

Would they do that to the Klingon Princess?  Would they do that to the moron running Homeland Security?

How about a Cabinet secretary?  Or Hillary?  Or Bill?

I think we all know the answer... which is, those people are exempt from the process.  So, the answer is "no."

Now, I get why Ted Kennedy was on the "no fly" list; he was typically so pickled his body was an incendiary device.

But this kind of stupidity and lack of common sense is the hallmark of a tin-eared, out of control Administration that has, in fact, lost touch with reality.

Putting a United States Senator through this, even a true danger to this country like Harry Reid?

That's insane.  And the blame for this public relations nightmare?

No, it doesn't rest, IMHO, with Rand, who can be an excitable fellow.

It rest with an agency and an individual that lacks the common sense of a rock pile. 

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