Thursday, January 19, 2012

So.... Jon Russell stops by... again? Seems he's upset over the Bowen Facebook outing getting traction.

So, on more than one occasion, I've busted our resident slimeball south, Jon Russell, for utilizing various fake identities around the net so he can attack or support those in his political sights he's of a mind to engage.

Most recently, I caused questions with proof that there seems to be more than one "Jessica Bowen," Russell's latest alter-ego.  He has used identities of made up people in the past.

All so he can keep his public skirts clean, of course.

And, in the interests of full disclosure, so have I; I am, for example, the ubiquitous Kage McClued, an identity I made up to protect Marc Boldt from attack based on MY letters to the editor in the local democratian.

So, what's the difference?

The difference now is that I'm not running for anything.  And save my effort to be a PCO, designed entirely to keep Jon Russell or any of his sock puppets from getting any appointment to anything concerning the 18th District, I have no intention of running for anything, with the possible exception of county commissioner, and I'll deal with all of this when that time comes... if it comes.

But if I were ever to speak as either a candidate or an elected official, anyone reading those words would know they came from me.

Unfortunately for the people, that's not a tenet of character that Russell is burdened with,

Russell, on the other hand, has been trying to ditch Washougal and climb the political ladder for years.  He won't be successful at it until I'm dead, of course, because my meager efforts have become the clearing house for all things political concerning Russell and those efforts will stand the test of time, remaining on the internet for all eternity as a reminder of what Russell is, and the kind of people he surrounds himself with.
Anonymous said...

Kelly, your posts are equal to political TMZ for teenage girls in World Comp studies. You suck; I will send an organized volunteer force of Ron Paulers into your precinct, and you will never introduce another retarded bi-law resolution again, because you will not be PCO. 5:54 AM

AnonymousKelly Charles said...

Kelly, your posts are equal to political TMZ for teenage girls in World Comp studies. You suck; I will send an organized volunteer force of Ron Paulers into your precinct, and you will never introduce another retarded bi-law resolution again, because you will not be PCO. 5:59 AM

It's up there twice, I suppose, because he got such a kick out of the first effort.

Exclusive of the fact that no one makes you read my stuff, Jon, Kelly Charles doesn't seem to exist, either, but then, that IS Russell's meme: shoot off his mouth without standing behind his words.  Even now, no discussion of the merits of the Bowen post or remarks on the bizarre behavior of a person who would engage in these multiple personas... no, just a personal attack against me.

What's problematic for Jon is those darn IP address issues.  Easy to trace.  And I have it, of course.

In the meantime, let me say this about that.

Even if it were possible for a slimeball like you to organize a healthy goat rope, all I can say is this: bring it.

It's your kind of boastful stupidity, fake names and lies that gives politics a bad name: what was the point of making up yet another fake name and leaving your crap pile here?  As you well know, talk is cheap.  You'd have been far better off to just trying it while keeping your pie hole shut.

Here's a bulletin, stud: unlike you, I don't need this to make my life complete.  If I am not a PCO next time around?  Guess what: I'll live.

But it really won't matter, because anything YOU do politically is going to have to go through me.

And I won't be letting that happen.

Because the difference between us is that I'm not running... for anything. You on the other hand, are such a glutton for punishment, you're going to keep coming back... over and over and over...

and over and over again, those voting where you are will continue to know your pathological inability to tell the truth before they mark the ballot.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

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