Sunday, January 29, 2012

Reason enough to permanently oppose Romney: Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by Romney Florida spokesman

Speaks for itself.  Romney?

Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by Romney Florida spokesman

Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, January 29, 2012 at 9:40am

1085 322 The establishment is fighting back, alright.

This has not received a lot of national attention, but the Republican legislature in Florida is about to push through a plan which puts Allen West at serious risk, and the person leading the effort is one of Mitt Romney’s spokesmen. As reported by The Shark Tank:

After last night’s [Jan. 26] Republican Presidential debate, the candidates’ respective spinmeisters made their cases to the media as to why their guy won the debate. One of Governor Mitt Romney’s spokesmen was Florida Representative Will Weatherford, and during the course of his remarks in the “Spin Room”, he shed a very dim light on the ongoing redistricting process in the Florida Legislature….

West’s congressional district inexplicably sheds the most out support as compared to all other incumbent Republican and Democrat Congressman. A few weeks back we quoted an unnamed legislator saying that, “Allen West was screwed”, a statement which was originally made about made five months before the purposed maps were made public, leading insiders to believe that the fix was in against Allen West. But in light of Weatherford’s comment, it is increasingly clear that this is a fait accompli.

Allen West is the Congressman I wish WE had, instead of that empty-suited sock-puppet currently occupying the seat.

And this kind of thing from Romney's guy?

Reflects directly on Romney.  If it happens, I'm done.

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